mtorrington (Big)

Member Since 06/16/2016

From Maryland

  • mtorrington 8 years ago on How To Be A Picky Eater Without Being A Bitch About It

    so like, everyone has the right to eat however they want and i agree with most of what this column is saying, but as someone who has celiac disease (a serious, real gluten allergy)…… please don’t lie and say you’re allergic to something if you’re not. there’s a huuuge difference between “that food makes my stomach hurt” and “i’m literally allergic to that food and if i eat it my body will shut down and i’m going to need an epi-pen and/or to be locked in the bathroom for the next 24 hours.” plus, someone who doesn’t eat gluten because of preference or stomach aches has different needs than someone with an actual allergy – every time a picky eater claims they have a “gluten allergy” when ordering their food and then orders a beer, it makes the general public (esp restaurant staff) think the whole thing is a joke and not take me seriously when i try to explain my allergy. 🙁

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  • mtorrington 8 years ago on I Started Shaving My Face And It Completely Changed My Life

    it’s actually a total urban legend that shaving makes hair grow back thicker! it’s just that your hair naturally grows out tapered/thin at the end, but when you shave it you’re cutting it off at a blunt end, so it grows back looking thicker. i also have ~kiwi fuzz~ and have shaved my face before and never had problems with it growing back thicker 🙂

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