NatalieDavis (New Member)

Member Since 07/30/2016

From Kentucky

  • NatalieDavis 8 years ago on Is it Possible That There Is Something In Between Consensual Sex And Rape...And That It Happens To Almost Every Girl Out There?

    Your (and my) actions — or inactions — speak louder than words. The common thread here is that sometimes a girl wants it and doesn’t want it all at the same time, you wanted to keep your virgin status, but part of you wanted to know what it was like to have a penis inside you. You saw the train wreck coming, but wouldn’t get off the tracks. You basically left the final decision up to the guy, but you also sort of knew what leaving the decision up to him would mean. I get it, you probably are a “good girl.” I was an active church member and even had a Bible study in my dorm room every week, and I lost my virginity in that same dorm room one night because I was making out with a guy (we had been out on a date) and he went for it and I was so horny I just couldn’t say no. It was like I was in a slow motion movie; objectively, I wanted to stay a virgin, but as things proceeded, I just couldn’t get the word “no” to come out, and instead of trying to change my body position to stop the advance, I actually found that I was trying (as well as a virgin could know how) to position myself so as accommodate the approaching penis. It happens to all of us sooner or later.

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