notaboomeroranxer (New Member)

Member Since 06/12/2014

From Texas

  • notaboomeroranxer 10 years ago on Why Our Entire Generation Needs An Ass-Kicking, Pronto

    ‘Education should be free’? Nothing is free. Who pays the teachers, for the schools, or even the janitor? Maybe the teachers should work for free and let their families starve. Since YOU think it should be free, then I guess you will work as janitor at a school for ‘free’. You have the gall to say that you’d hate to be as stupid or ridiculously ignorant as someone else; right after saying the stupidest, most ignorant thing I have ever heard.

    You would have to be a LOT smarter and more informed to be as ‘stupid and uninformed’ as any of the other commenters here. Next time you should stay in your fantasy world you have created where things can be magically ‘free’ and leave the real thinking to those who are equipped for it.

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