NRAdude (Big)

Member Since 10/29/2012

From Virginia

  • NRAdude 10 years ago on TSM Responds To "Women Against Feminism"

    Actually that’s not necessarily correct. Laws regulating bathroom conduct are enacted by each state. Secondly, even if said state didn’t have laws regulating bathroom conduct (entry, maintenance, etc.), private businesses have authority who can or can’t use their bathroom facilities. Let’s assume that there is some state with no laws on the matter and some private business that does not have a company policy on the matter, there are laws against exposure of privates/genitalia (every state has them) which said woman would be in violation of if she used a urinal in a men’s restroom unless she were somehow able to hide her buttox and vaginal cavity while using said urinal.

    So long story short, no woman do not necessarily have the right to use a urinal in the men’s restroom and vice versa. I suggest you do your research before misusing the rhetorical question….

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  • NRAdude 10 years ago on TSM Responds To "Women Against Feminism"

    Pfairbairn, perhaps the answers I gave you weren’t the ones you wanted but what you want is not necessarily the truth; or is it?

    Again, I’ll ask you whether or not you have to tell me you are a woman for me to know you are one? If you can answer me this, then perhaps I might be able to answer your original question directly.

    Once I again, I’ll point to the hint I previously gave you–it has to do with deduction. What in my deductive reasoning about your statements that you willingly provided is wrong? Can you name a formal or informal logical fallacy present in any of them? If not, I suggest that you admit your arguments are logically unsound.

    As for your claim that I am simply calling you names, what names have I called you? Or is it that you really offended by being called a liberal? I’ll be the first to admit that I don’t hate liberals and have several liberal friends. Nothing to be ashamed of. If you are really offended by that, I’ll clarify that I used that term to describe your political beliefs on the liberal/conservative dichotomy and nothing more. I apologize if you really take offense to the use of that term but I might suggest that you become more comfortable with your own beliefs and it might make your arguments a little more clear.

    Lastly, I’m 23. I graduated recently hence why I still follow TFM.

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  • NRAdude 10 years ago on TSM Responds To "Women Against Feminism"

    pfairbarin, did you have to say you are a woman for me to to know that you are one? There’s something that those of us who are educated in logic call “deduction.” Perhaps you should go back to undergrad for another 4 years and learn what that means.

    You specifically stated “..require medical insurance to help pay for said condition?” If you were really concerned about people who had said condition, you would be referring to healthcare and not health insurance. The fact you are more concerned about insurance and not healthcare itself (“what obamacare focuses on”) indicates you support obamacare. The vast majority of those who support obamacare are in fact liberals or left-leaning at the least. The fact that you assumed health insurance equated to healthcare indicates you have never volunteered (let alone knew about) a medical charity.

    Thirdly, the fact that you brought up the typical liberal argument to defend abortion “what about rape? pregnancy complications?” which are the rare exceptions to abortion and not what the vast majority of abortions are used for also indicates you take the liberal position on abortion.

    Lastly, I specifically referred to asthma and the other gender neutral disorders you mentioned.

    Perhaps you should go back to undergrad for another 4 years and take a symbolic logic course. For one who makes accusations of “not knowing all the facts” and assuming statements to be “moot” without applying analysis or deductive reasoning to the statements you’ve made is indicative of being “uninformed” is it not?

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  • NRAdude 10 years ago on TSM Responds To "Women Against Feminism"

    evol, that’s exactly the point. What you feminists are advocating for is not “equal rights” let alone “rights” to begin with. You’re only advocating for the government to sanction and subsidize your private sex life as women. Why you choose to be a naive, selfish, adolescent is beyond me but perhaps that’s a problem you should fix sometime soon.

    Notice again how I was not speaking out against the advocacy for “equal rights” for women but rather against women like yourself advocating that women attain rights that men do not have. Again, Logical Fallacy of the Straw Man. If all adolescents in my generation are like you, we are in serious trouble. Failure to reason makes our species no better than cattle.

    And if you want to talk about sexual harassment/assault, I support the concealed/open carry of firearms by all law abiding citizens especially women. Scientifically speaking that is the strongest deterrent against rapes and sexual assaults. I can’t speak for all men, but I personally feel safe walking on the streets at night (even in dark allies) because I carry a firearm, know how to defend myself if attacked, and have the legal authority to do so. You “feminists” are on the side of the political spectrum that wants to strip everyone of their right to self-defense and their right to bear a firearm; not me.

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  • NRAdude 10 years ago on TSM Responds To "Women Against Feminism"

    evol, actually in the modern form of “feminist,” you are actually promoting the very sexual objectification that you claim to want to prevent. You do things like brah burning ceremonies, “slut walks,” and other bizarre activities that appeal sexually to men.

    Secondly, note that the issue I stated was not whether men “deserve” the ability to abort. The question is whether you advocating for a “right” that only one gender can physically excursive is “equal.” “Equal rights” are ones that everyone can excursive are they not?

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  • NRAdude 10 years ago on TSM Responds To "Women Against Feminism"

    pfairbairn, all those diseases you just mentioned apply equally to both genders. Abortion does not. Moreover the vast majority of abortions result in one’s own poor choice to have extramarital sex. So not only does it only apply to one gender, but it is preventable unlike asthma, etc. Therefore, you’re trying to recharacterize the argument into something it is not. In logic, we refer to this as the Logical Fallacy of the Straw Man.

    Secondly, that’s the common assumption you liberals make. Health insurance >< healthcare. Are you more concerned about health insurance or healthcare? If you really cared about healthcare for people who need it, you would volunteer for private charities that provide it to needy people for free like I do. But no, you're a typical, naive, and selfish adolescent who wants the government to subsidize your sex life.

    Thirdly, less than 5% of all rapes result in pregnancy. You do realize that rape involves multiple forms of sexual contact other than penis/vaginal penetration right? Of course there can be exceptions for rape and life endangerment of the mother but why do you always bring up the rare exceptions rather than the vast majority of what abortion is used for?

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  • NRAdude 10 years ago on TSM Responds To "Women Against Feminism"

    How about not? You realize that TFM and TSM split because of crap like this that the TSM writers wanted to post and hence why no one else but you feminizes actually read TSM’s crap anymore

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  • NRAdude 10 years ago on TSM Responds To "Women Against Feminism"

    It is not fighting for “equality.” I don’t think that term means what you think it means. The problem is that the above TSM article and some of you are doing is using the Logical Fallacy of the Straw Man. The women in the above pictures are revolting against modern day feminism that seeks to give more rights to women than to men. And I know you and the rest of the TSM feminazis on here all know what it is they’re speaking out against and its not against “equal rights for women.”

    Case in point, you feminists advocate for abortion calling it “equal rights” for women when men have no such right nor would they be able to excursive it even if they did. Thus, what you’re really advocating for is giving more rights to women than to men. You’re simply using “equal rights” as a cover to recharacterize the argument as if we were trying to deny you something that men have.

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  • NRAdude 10 years ago on TSM Responds To "Women Against Feminism"

    Well actually rights did only belong to men once upon a time. That’s his point. Before the 19th Amendment was ratified, women couldn’t vote. Thus, it was men who had to ratify it so that women could vote and gain equal rights. So lyrids is quite right. And no, men gave those rights to you.

    Secondly, the fact that you’re including “homophobia,” “transphobia” (not a word), “xenophobia,” and gender roles as causes that true “feminism” opposes is the very reason the women you see in the above pictures oppose it. You liberals have taken the word “feminism” and have stretched it to give women more rights than men and to remove any kind of social norms associated with gender simply for the sake of removing a social norm. But what is it you’re really doing to said social norms associated with gender? You’re simply replacing them with another social norm which happens to be one you dreamed up. You want to remove them simply so you can say “we stood up to patriarchal standards” when they don’t prevent you from doing anything that a man can. For instance on abortion, you’re demanding that women have unlimited access to abortions because you claim “it’s a women’s right” yet men have no such right (nor could they excursive it). So what you’re really advocating for is not “equal rights” as men but rather more rights than men.

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