Papageorgio (New Member)

Member Since 02/09/2014

From Illinois

  • Papageorgio 10 years ago on Why Our Entire Generation Needs An Ass-Kicking, Pronto

    I signed up here just to respond to this article (I’m in my 40s and my daughter is in college)

    I have to stand up for your generation. I get tired of hearing how an earlier generation is better than the current one. People are people. There are and have always been lazy and even evil people. So maybe some people wast time on the internet or on Netflix. So what? People have always found ways to waste time. Just because one wastes time on the internet rather than by playing video games or watching tv…ways people from the prior generation wasted time…does not make this generation inferior.

    As somebody already pointed out, this generation faces extremely high college tuition and a difficult economy. You can thank my generation and giant corporations for shipping jobs to China. I was at Hobby Lobby today and saw a sign that said, “Proudly made in America.” I flipped it over, and the sign itself was made in China. Your generation faces higher tuition, fewer, lower paying jobs, and a country in massive deficit which raids social security to help pay the tab. This does not mean your generation is destined for failure. Obviously, many people will succeed through hard work. But I would say you generation has it tougher than mine.

    I can only speak from my small world, but my daughter is so much more than I was at her age. She attends an outstanding school, has career plans and did from the start of college, gets excellent grades, ect. Her friends are mostly the same. At her age, I had no clue what I was or where I was going, nor did most people I knew. Today’s generation must be more focused due to more competition. More people attend college, and you must be more accomplished to get into various graduate schools.

    Don’t put down your own generation. Every generation has its positives and negatives. Maybe some people like the supposed manners of people from say the 1950’s, but there was also segregation. Your generation has enough to deal with without putting yourselves down. Work hard to improve yourselves, but stand proud.

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