razzmatazz93 (Big)

Member Since 07/15/2014

From Maryland

  • razzmatazz93 10 years ago on TSM Responds To "Women Against Feminism"

    1. A sober person having sex with a drunk person *is* rape. It fits the legal definition. A drunk person, male or female is demoted to 12 year old status, meaning everything they say has to be interpreted as a “no”. It’s not man-hating; it’s the law.
    2. “All men don’t harass women, but all women have been harassed by men.”
    This is talking about the psychological effects of being a woman in a world where you are likely to, if you haven’t been already, be sexually assaulted. Chances are, most of the women who you’ve come in contact with have been sexually assaulted by a man. This quote isn’t telling women to be scared of men; it’s telling men not to take the psychological effect being attacked has on a person as a personal insult to you or your gender. In the same light, if a man was assaulted by a woman/multiple women/knew someone who was assaulted by a woman, women should not take it as a personal insult that this man doesn’t want to be around us.

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  • razzmatazz93 10 years ago on TSM Responds To "Women Against Feminism"

    It’s ironic how you just proved yourself wrong; “they couldn’t have acheived anything if most men weren’t willing to allow for those changes to happen.” Meaning, our feminist ancestors had to fight against men in order to gain rights. The whole phrasing of your comment implies that rights only belong to men, and therefore only men can give them. This is misinformed because men did not *give* us rights; women *took* them, with men resisting the entire time, and still fighting. You make it sound as if men were just poor misinformed animals who didn’t notice how they treated women, then once women asked for rights, men immediately went “oh, of course, our bad. we won’t resist. here’s some rights” when in fact, women had been fighting for rights for centuries and centuries, then the declaration of sentiments was written. Then 72 years later, we got the right to vote. That’s right; it took 72 years after demanding, not asking, for rights until we finally were even able to vote. And then more rights came later, some real, and some nominal (meaning they’re not protected). You claim we only fight for women, when in fact, feminism covers misogyny, racism, homophobia, transphobia, xenophobia, ableism, and gender roles that dictate that men have to be manly, aggressive, etc. because these issues are all due to patriarchal standards. And what does feminism fight against? The patriarchy. Please educate yourself a little more on what feminists do before claiming we don’t fight for everyone.

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