ridgwayshaun (Big)

Member Since 02/10/2014

From Georgia

  • ridgwayshaun 10 years ago on Why Our Entire Generation Needs An Ass-Kicking, Pronto

    Some website named “Total Sorority Move” posted this blathering non-article this week. Usually I just let this shit slide, but I’m too pissed after reading “Why does our generation need a wake up call? Because most young people in America are selfish, lazy, and think Jimmy Johns should deliver sandwiches directly into their mouths.” This article was so privileged it literally is rage-inducing.

    Let those words slide around in your head for a minute. Selfish and lazy. We’re selfish and lazy?

    Everyone I know works their fucking asses off to pay their rent, feed their kids, and get through school. Every single goddamn person.

    You know what I believe? I believe working yourself to the bone to barely get through the week is called wage slavery. I think when I have friends who don’t eat just so their kids can eat is called inhumane. I think standing up for what is good and just isn’t called whining, it’s called being a decent human being. I think getting handed this piece of shit society that was ruined by the Boomer generation and then getting shit for it is called victim blaming.

    You know what our generation did? We slept outside in the bitter cold because we recognized injustice. We fought back when people were losing their homes. We are winning the drug war because we recognized that its racist and classist. We said we didn’t want to be on either side of your red vs. blue false dichotomy because we recognized its two sides to the same goddamn coin. Feed the hungry, clothe the naked, visit those in prison. Its pretty fucking simple.

    You wanna know what our generation did? We fought the fuck back. And we’re winning.

    So maybe instead of playing the blame game, dithering white girl, you should look around you and see who is building up your community instead of trying to tear it down.

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