shelbyxtaylor (Big)

Member Since 06/30/2012

From Colorado

  • shelbyxtaylor 12 years ago on Fail Friday: Orphans

    Hey TSM Intern,
    I just wanted to say thank you for making it so people can’t click on the channel on yt videos on here anymore. A lot of people work really hard to produce content for youtube. I recognize this girl as a relatively popular vlogger, and I’m sure she doesn’t need to be torn down by thousands of people over one video that may not have been “greek life appropriate.” I’m just glad that you’ve made this decision. It’s easy to take abuse from anonymous people on a website that you don’t visit very often, but it’s difficult when your youtube channel gets blown up with hateful comments.

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  • shelbyxtaylor 12 years ago on Fail Friday Rebuttal

    Holy- Good thing I’m mentally stable, or this could have been dangerous. Seriously, I’m glad redpen26 up there “killed” me so I could come back one last time. When I got a youtube message saying, “I heard you killed yourself.” I figured I should go assess the damage, and oh my, this just blew up, didn’t it? There were still comments being posted on July 28th. That’s pretty much a month after my fail friday was posted. This is the last thing I’ll ever post on this thread, but here are some problems I’ve had on here:
    1. “Why did you join if you hated everyone?” ….That part of the original video was obviously sarcastic…
    2. “You’re just bitter because you were dropped” / “Anyone bitter towards Greek Life is just jealous because they didn’t get a bid.” …85% of college kids aren’t involved in Greek Life, and no, it’s not because they didn’t get a bid. Many didn’t go through recruitment, and others, like me, tried Greek Life and just didn’t think it’s for them. That someone in my old chapter had the nerve to say it was because I had embarrassing facebook pictures and didn’t respect the letters is just plain untrue.
    3. “This is a satirical website made to poke fun blah blah blah.” There’s a difference between poking fun and telling someone to commit suicide…
    4. “You’re so trashy.” This is a statement that cannot be made until you have a conversation with me. Yes, I made a spur of the moment decision to get a monroe when college began because I was out of the house and wanted to do something impulsive. I don’t have any facial piercings anymore.
    5. “You say you hang out with guys, so you’re obviously a slut.” Ok…Yeah, at the beginning of the year (the first week or so), most of my friends were guys. I had one really good female friend who was actually the one who told me I should rush (oh, sorry, “go through the recruitment process”.) I actually made some of my best friends in the sorority. Granted, we all quit, but they’re my best friends, and I love them.
    6. “You have no life because all you do is sit around and make videos all day.” I spend around 2 hours a week making videos, and I know you don’t really know how youtube works, but I’m a parter at Maker Studios, which means I get paid to make videos, and all the views from here ended up earning me around $100 for the month of July….
    7. “I wonder how her sisters feel about this video/ I bet your chapter hates you.” Actually, a lot of my sisters watched my youtube videos, and nobody said anything about it until this all blew up. Granted only a couple members of my old chapter actually commented, and I have a feeling that the girls commenting didn’t watch my videos. Hell, I’d bet they were the ones I never even talked to. The point is, most of them don’t hate me, and they shouldn’t. That would be stupid.
    8. “You’re never gonna get a job with these videos.” Well, here’s the thing: I’m an actress and a comedian, and I know that’s laughable to all of you, but I actually am really good at it. If I wasn’t, I wouldn’t still be pursuing it. I know, I know “Bless your heart, your videos aren’t funny.” That’s because I just turn on the camera and talk. They aren’t planned, they aren’t scripted, which is why my acting is better, and my stand up is funnier.

    The situation didn’t really make me depressed so much as angry. I’ve honestly never seen so much cruelty and narrow-mindedness in my life. All I could think was, “damn if my self esteem was lower I might have done some serious harm to myself.” The comments I received on here were things that you hear about on legit cyberbullying cases on the news (people getting nonstop hate for a long period of time, etc.) I went through past fail friday’s….and why the FUCK have I been the most abused person in fail friday history?! Seriously?! I legitimately cannot believe that some of you really think the way you do. Have fun with your paddles and sperrys and singing really loudly in a doorway (which isn’t bad unless your entire life revolves around these things. That’s who I’m addressing here. Not the people with actual ambitions who just so happen to enjoy these things. I’m talking about the people who are clearly only in sororities for the crafting and parties and reason to feel better than everyone else.) I’m not too worried about myself, next year, the rest of my college career, or my future in general, and neither should you.


    P.S. Kelsey Cook (The last 2 fail friday’s) is awesome. Leave her alone.

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  • shelbyxtaylor 12 years ago on Fail Friday: It's Recruitment, Not Rush

    Not dead. Still alive. Not faking my own death. Girl from my old high school told me to hide my tweets because “people from our old school were making fun of me.” Should have just not given a fuck. Instead I protected my tweets. This is over. This whole situation is super over. Don’t want to bring it back in any way, shape, or form. Gonna slap a bitch. PEACE.

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  • shelbyxtaylor 12 years ago on Fail Friday Rebuttal

    As long as my fucking face is posted on this fucking website, I can fucking comment on it as much as I fucking want. Also, this isn’t fucking 1956 and if I want to fucking cuss I fucking can and nobody can fucking stop me. Plus, I really fucking don’t see it as fucking trashy when I’m making a god damn fucking point. So fuck you, you fucking fuck.

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