singlegirl1 (New Member)

Member Since 11/16/2014

From Florida

  • singlegirl1 9 years ago on Why It's Okay To Have A Boyfriend In College

    I made an account just to comment on this because I have such a strong opinion against this one paragraph. The rest of your assertions are fairly valid – personally, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with having a boyfriend in college, nor is there anything wrong with being single – it’s all about personal choice.

    But this one paragraph. I’m about to tear it apart. Sorrynotsorry.

    “We don’t have to pay for about 50 percent of our meals, so we’re in a better place financially.” – I don’t need a boy (or anyone) to be paying for my food, thankyouverymuch. Sure, it’s nice to have free food, but I’m single and have gotten free food handed to me around campus on numerous occasions, so there’s point a. you don’t *need* a BF for free food, and then point b. again, I can be stable financially and yes I am female and yes this is 2014?? Point c. I’ve earned scholarships thanks to MY smarts and MY work ethic, and I could get MY OWN job if I wanted even more cash. I’m not dependent on my parents anymore for the most part – why should I suddenly be dependent on a guy (even as much as 50%)? I’d rather be dependent on myself. Point d. the other 50% of the time you’d be buying him food too, so it evens out to you paying about the same as if you bought 100% of the food for just yourself. And of course, point e. your BF is likely also a college student, right? So if YOU personally aren’t loaded with money, why do you expect him to be any different???

    “We have another place to sleep when our roommate is being a bitch.” – I don’t know about you, but any of my best friends would take me in at the drop of a hat if I needed another place to stay for a night or two (or longer, even). A BF isn’t a requirement to have another place to sleep.

    “His place is more fun, (despite its lack of Ikea décor) and he has a fully stocked bar, so we can add joy and liquid happiness to our lives.” – Point a. why not just decorate your own place to be fun? Lol. Point b. why not just stock your own bar? Duh… point c. if you drop by almost any fraternity party, you’d be able to find plenty of alcohol. For free. Point d. alcohol isn’t necessary to have fun. Unless you’re that boring of a person (which I’m not saying you, the author, are, but I digress).

    “We also get to experiment much more sexually, because we’ve found a man we feel comfortable with as opposed to a string of random, sexually frustrated guys. More orgasms for us!” – If that floats your boat, cool. It’s not important to everyone. Not everyone feels they need a committed relationship in order to feel sexually satisfied (again, it’s all a matter of personal opinion), and not everyone feels like it’s necessary for them to be sexually satisfied (or at least not all the time).

    Case closed. Hate all you want.

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