SkeGammaPhi (New Member)

Member Since 08/28/2014

From Indiana

  • SkeGammaPhi 10 years ago on 10 Reasons Why Joining A Local Sorority Is Better

    I, like many it appears, was excited to read this article. I’m disappointed. I am a member of a local sorority, it also happens to be the oldest and largest sorority on our campus, all national sororities included. I expected to see more about the great bond we have. (not saying nationals don’t of course) Please do not think that all local sororities are this way. We are not allowed to drink in our letters except for the rare closed house mixers and even then photos of you drinking in letters can not be put on social media. We have a strict standards board as well, believe me, I’ve had to go a couple times. While we party just as hard as every other sorority on campus, if not more, it is not our identity as this article would like for you to believe. This article could have been better directed.

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