sorority_fratstar (Big)

Member Since 05/01/2013

From Washington

  • sorority_fratstar 8 years ago on Girl Kicked Out Of Sorority For Having Tinder, And That’s Not Even The Worst Of It

    Something really similar happened to my friends and I. A few people were kicked out for uncertain reasoning without any concrete evidence. We stood up for them, which got us on watch by exec and the advisers. Later, I was scheduled for a personnel due to missing events for work, but made up for the absences and assumed it was fine. Plus, I was graduating in 6 monts, but this called for hearing grounds. I ended up going to my hearing planning to discuss absences and was bombarded by fabricated claims, while providing no actual evidence. They ended up revoking my membership. Thinking it was ridiculous, I appealed to nationals. I ended up receiving my membership back, so there’s always still ways around it, especially if you have support from people within the chapter! The process takes a while though.

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