Southernbelle123 (New Member)

Member Since 05/06/2014

From Georgia

  • Southernbelle123 10 years ago on It's Okay To Want To Be A Stay At Home Mom, And Anyone Who Says Otherwise Can Buzz Off

    Pirates and pearls Is completely right. If you want to be a professional mom fine good for you. But you really lost your audience when you made a generalized and sweeping not to mention OFFENSIVE statement that people with stay at home moms are better of. Is this a joke? I know this is not a serious news source so I am going to have to guess this is some kind shitty piece of embarrassing satire. You literally just insulted my mother. Most people would die for their mothers so how about you don’t insult them. But if you want to go there then lets go there. As someone who’s mother has worked her whole life (and so have all of my friends) Yes I have noticed a difference b/w the girls that I have met with stay at home moms. They seem to have less of a grasp on reality.Nothing against them and I would never say this to their face or anything they are nice people but they simply seem like they grew up with their head in the clouds and sometimes just say ridiculous thing that make me and the rest of my friends just give each other this -WOW – look. like they as me to get them water instead of getting it themselves sort of thing I guess they are used to being waited on. And these girls cant wait to get married ironically they scare away men with every other tweet being #wifeystatus but again none of my business. Like I said if you want to stay home good great its a free country and honestly and I would never try to change anyone’s mind of that because I don’t want to compete for a job with someone who doesn’t really want to be there is how I see it. This job market is already crap. But as for me I rather be like my own mom, she worked hard my whole life even when she got divorced. She paid all the bills put clothes on my back she got me to cheer practice everyday tucked me in and read me a story everynight and taught me how to drive. When I am a mother I can only pray that I am half as good of a mother as her because she was pretty fucking badass

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