southernsass91 (New Member)

Member Since 09/25/2014

From Texas

  • southernsass91 10 years ago on Let's Talk About It: How To Deal With Depression In College

    I loved this article and am so glad someone is brave enough to publicly post about it. I have a final semester long project and am doing a journalism piece on mental health. SO many people do not understand that depression means more than “just being sad”. It is sleep disorders, anxiety, stress, body image etc etc. I am so excited to hopefully make an impact on how people view mental health, and remove some of the taboo behind it. People need to understand that you aren’t embarrassed to see a health professional when are physically sick, so you should not be embarrassed to see a health professional when you are mentally sickness.

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  • southernsass91 10 years ago on Let's Talk About It: How To Deal With Depression In College

    Mental health is just as serious as any health condition you go to the doctor about. I hope your campus has a mental health center that maybe you can visit and have someone you can open up to. Depression has many faces, and I did not know much darkness I was running away from until my s/o encouraged me to see a counselor. While your sisters may not understand, there are people who do and I hope you can find them 🙂

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