StarsStripesandCrowns (G-Big)

Member Since 03/19/2015

From Florida

  • StarsStripesandCrowns 9 years ago on Do These Sketches Found At LP Headquarters Prove That Lilly Pulitzer Hates Fat People?

    While I agree that it is unhealthy to be overweight for a long list of reasons, it is not a fact that, throughout history and across the globe, the same body types are considered beautiful. In fact, slight obesity or overweight-ness was once considered attractive mainly because it showed that a person was wealthy enough to eat the amount it takes to become overweight.
    My point is, there is so much more to beauty than the “golden ratio”, and history and cultural norms actually do prove this. If anyone needs an example, compare Ancient Greek paintings or sculptures of women to the pictures of women we see in modern magazines. Hell, compare Marilyn Monroe (once considered the most beautiful woman in the world, according to Western standards) to Sandra Bullock or Jennifer Anniston. While none are obese or considered overweight, the opinion of what is the ideal feminine body type has most definitely changed nonetheless, and I’m sure it will continue to change in the West and around the world.

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  • StarsStripesandCrowns 9 years ago on Racially Charged Art At University Of Minnesota Features SAE, Attacks Greek Life (Photo)

    Something to think about: despite possible legacy situations (and even those don’t actually count in this case), none of us were literally born into our Greek organizations. If the backlash from the general population hurt us enough, we could leave our orgs by choice. That is our privilege. However, no one can simply decide to change their race.

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