STC_southtampa (New Member)

Member Since 04/25/2014

From Florida

  • STC_southtampa 10 years ago on Hottest Sorority In The Country Is Accused Of Hazing -- Jealous Girls Nationwide Rejoice

    DG at FSU is guilty of being unsouthern. The brothers of the South Tampa Confrateracy will not tolerate guidoism and unsouthern behavior. DG deserves to be kicked off FSU’s campus. They DO haze by circling girls cellulite (fact), steal their money and don’t allow them to eat lunch and dinner when they paid for it (fact), and they force girls to drink gross amounts of acholol (witnessed this with my own eyes at Ken’s). The STC is urging Corp to stop sponsoring DG girls that exhibit lude behavior. Ruh Rah

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