sthunowlikerightnow (New Member)

Member Since 10/15/2014

From Arkansas

  • sthunowlikerightnow 10 years ago on ADPis Allegedly Beat The Ever-Living Shit Out Of Some Girl, Nationals Denies Allegations

    First This isn’t news this is hear say and & 2nd, why were non members allowed at parities. I have a hard time believing that a panhellenic council will allow this to happen. I go to a huge SEC school and this is strictly enforced for so no rush violations or in this case to protect the sorority itself. Why would any girl want to go to another sorority event if their not a member is beyond me and this case maybe to cause trouble (not saying it happen) This is an horrible crime that needs to be handle and the people involved should get in trouble but if the police account says it wasn’t adpi maybe we should be more concern about finding the party involved so they don’t do this again. Also remember there is three sides to every story, 1st person, 2nd person then the actually true event so maybe TSM should work on finding out the truth instead of taking one side of the story. Just a thought

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