suzdelo (New Member)

Member Since 07/24/2015

From Illinois

  • suzdelo 9 years ago on Mailbag: I Got Cut By The Top Tier So I Dropped Out Of Recruitment, Now What?

    I completely agree! I also think that even if you end up getting a bid from a sorority you didn’t think you ‘clicked’ with, you still haven’t met your pledge class. A lot of girls become closest with those in their pledge class. You’ll be in new member meetings with them, get leadership positions with them, and most likely live in the house with them. They’re the girls who are in the same exact boat as you. So even if you didn’t have the best conversations or think you didn’t fit in, you should at least try to get to know your pledge class, because that’s who you’ll spend most of your time with. Who knows, maybe you guys could turn it around and make your sorority ‘top tier’. Just give them a chance!!

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