taco_bell_president (New Member)

Member Since 09/30/2014

From Massachusetts

  • taco_bell_president 10 years ago on Pop Music's War On Skinny Women

    I think the point of this debate is that yes, insulting a woman for her body is bad. It encourages us to view women ~as~ their bodies rather than their character. And it is valid to be hurt by Nicki’s lyrics if you are a “skinny bitch” but instead of lashing out, think about this one instance in your life, and multiply it times a million for a larger girl; imagine if you lived in a culture built around shaming your body.

    Basically, getting offended is one thing, but don’t stop there: start challenging ALL forms of body shaming in society instead of just those that hurt you. When you hear someone degrading a woman for her weight (big or small), say something. When you hear yourself doing the same thing, STOP. When you hear guys commenting on women’s bodies like they own then, tell them to shut the fuck up. We can end this but it requires us to stop trying to get even and instead, shut the system down.

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