Texas alumna (New Member)

Member Since 09/04/2014

From Texas

  • Texas alumna 10 years ago on Why Sorority Recruitment Is Horrible And Needs To Change

    Wonderful, heartfelt sentiments. I agree, although I believe spring rush only defers the problem. You are right that intelligent women can sit down and brainstorm solutions, BUT remember: one reason so many PNMs drop out is that they’d rather pledge NOTHING than join a “bottom tier” house. Most campuses have a few chapters which fight to make quota and a few with near 100% return rates. If these girls – lovely girls with much to offer – would go ahead and pledge these sororities and take leadership roles and build them up, the individuals, the sororities and the universities would all benefit. Dropping out just keeps the system lopsided and deprives the girls of the experience…

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