The Piker (Blackballed)

Member Since 02/17/2011

From South Carolina

  • The Piker 12 years ago on A Message to the Newly Initiated Members

    You are honestly the dumbest bitch in the world. I see you changed states from Texas to Tennessee. Why don’t you put where you go to school? I don’t even think you are in college. Also, please tell me where SVCC is, and what it stands for, if we once belonged to the same country club. Shouldn’t be too hard, two letters are already given to you. Also, if you weren’t such a fat retard who was named after some ugly Brit, you might realize that there were better things for you to be doing, like killing your chubby self and hanging your blackie.

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  • The Piker 12 years ago on A Message to the Newly Initiated Members

    Actually guys, I had class. But this is the most retarded, made up story ever. First of all, you all know I spent my whole summer at work, from 8 to 4pm, on here. Would a janitor have constant access to a PC? Secondly, I am not from Texas. Thirdly, I still belong to SVCC, and I guarantee you that she does not, because she probably does not even know what SVCC stands for. My girlfriend goes to a school in Philadelphia, and if she had broken up with me, and we were not still together, it would be due to distance, being that our schools are about 500+miles apart, and not sexual performance. Lastly, I honestly think you do not go to college if you have that much time to come up with a pretend, elaborate backstory for a person you have never met. Your story arc is terrible, so you certainly haven’t passed any college english classes. Enjoy being a fat slut with a black little sister, you adopted whore.

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  • The Piker 12 years ago on A Message to the Newly Initiated Members

    No, I just hate that bitch. All her posts are catty and annoying and she acts like she knows things that she clearly cannot know. For example, where would a girl from Texas have ever met a kid from northern PA that goes to USC? Nowhere. She is a lying sack of cowshit, and I want to kill her. Also, I want to kill Nancy Pelosi and Awwdry’s black little. Thats all. Everyone else on TFM is fine with me.

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  • The Piker 12 years ago on A Message to the Newly Initiated Members

    If it will shut her up forever, yes, I will eat that bitch. It’ll be like eating a bad cut of prime rib though, since she’ll be like 90% fat. Better than her little though, who will likely give me mad cow disease, since she is of the African variety.

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  • The Piker 12 years ago on A Message to the Newly Initiated Members

    Please enlighten all of TFM to my identity then. I would love to see how much you’ve stalked a student at the University of South Carolina, just to be able to call me ugly. You are just trying to save face, but what you really should be doing is killing yourself. Why has your blood not yet been spilled onto the floor of your second-rate apartment? Also, I am going to use your blood to make a vinaigrette and use it to make a delicious sandwich. Then I am going to hang your little from a tree, and whip her until blood pours from her back. Then I will collect a sample of it, and submit it to Johnson&Johnson for AIDS research.

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  • The Piker 12 years ago on A Message to the Newly Initiated Members

    Seeing as you have absolutely no idea what I look like, your opinion means less than that of your darkie little. Did you kill her yet to stop the passing of AIDS and Malaria to more innocent people? Also, you smell like the crusty poop that is surely stuck to Rosie O’Donnell’s ass hair.

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