thebreannashow (Little)

Member Since 10/15/2014

From Texas

  • thebreannashow 10 years ago on ADPis Allegedly Beat The Ever-Living Shit Out Of Some Girl, Nationals Denies Allegations

    I can’t believe I stooped to making a profile on this site, but I think something needs to be said about the piss poor reporting going on here. Granted, I’m slightly biased as an ADPi alumna (though not from the SHSU chapter), but honestly TSM, you shouldn’t have posted anything until more information has been released. If the police haven’t found any reason to connect ADPi to the assault, why would you report on it? Do you know how much damage you could do to this chapter, this sorority nationally? Even if this turns out not to be true and ADPi really didn’t have anything to do with the attack, people are going to see this and make assumptions about the chapter and sorority as a whole based on a poorly thought out and reported article. I know you’re not the Huffington Post or anything, but if you’re going to represent Greek life, how about you exercise a bit of common sense? The fact is, you shouldn’t have mentioned it at all until something has been definitely proven by police.

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