work in at a university (New Member)

Member Since 12/18/2014

From Texas

  • work in at a university 9 years ago on Why Our Entire Generation Needs An Ass-Kicking, Pronto

    Whisky_the_third, I have to bite my tongue at elementary school awards ceremony where they give every kid a certificate of achievement in what ever subject the kid chose. They can no longer reward those for straight A’s or B’s because that has some how become discriminating. Growing up I always had the goal to work hard to get an award so that I could receive recognition. How dare we acknowledge hard work of an individual in elementary school.

    This thread has been quite interesting to read so…..
    Myself, born mid 70’s, employed at a university and have three kids with my husband, who is in law enforcement. I have been fortunate to see many aspects of many different generations and from many angles. Yes, I see today’s generation consisting of the most “entitlement kids” in college now. Notice I did not say the entitlement generation. Why? Because I can recall kids, I went to high school with in the 90’s, who could act just as entitled as those I see now. Where are they now, well some were lucky to get their act together and some are still trying to figure out and are on their # marriage as they approach turning 40. I think what really sets everyone off in a mad spin is generalizing the generations. What we call the millennium generation, those currently in college are a majority (not a majority of those of the generation but a majority of those currently attending college) are those that were raised by parents who wanted to be their best friend and gave them things along with no boundaries. Then when they realized their mistake, it was too late to regain the roll of parent resulting in kids speaking to their parents in a way that if I had ever said or spoken to my parents would have resulted in severe punishment (which they were allowed to do back then, it was not thrown in their face to be child abuse). In the family we are raising, in order to receive respect, you must earn respect and this goes both ways. As a parents, we earn the respect from our children and our children must earn our respect. Our kids have to save up allowances to purchase things they want to buy and only after they wait three days. If they truly want something they will still be thinking about it in three days and if it is merely an impulse buy they will have forgotten about it in three days. Every generation has their has weaknesses and strengths. But not everyone exhibits those weaknesses or those strengths.

    Seeing the college kids that I am surrounded by I see those that are here for an education and are very driven. Will they all succeed, no! There are also those, that I do not see or get the pleasure to interact with. Those are the ones that assume that since their courses use today’s technology of an online system for assignments, quizzes and readings, they do not ever have to attend a class. They do not want to be bothered to have to come to class. Do not want to wake up before 10:00 AM. They do not want to have to go above and beyond to take advantage of the education their parents or who ever is paying for. These students possible do the assignments and quizzes or not without ever setting foot in the class and their professors never know what they look like. Until they get angry that they did not receive the grade they felt was deserved. Read the fine print on the syllabus where it states ” attendance is mandatory or will result in a failing grade” or better yet go sign up for online class if you do not want to make person to person contact or be bothered to have to actually wake up in the morning. Some end up on academic probation but their first reaction is how that will affect their apartments’ lease agreement. The stories are amazing that I have experienced. Yet I have ones of those students who are so hard working.

    There are those who won’t be hired for jobs due to their posts in social media, what company wants to hire someone who posts pictures of themselves in questionable positions or drunk parties. Then there are the ones that are so actively involved and work incredibly hard for their education. Some of the good ones will not get a chance at certain job opportunities because they are apart of that “generation.” Yes, those that have the entitlement disease or have an addiction to posting everything in social media have created job security for myself and my colleagues.

    Something to think about when defining the different decades of generations.
    1. Not everyone fits into a definition
    2. Every generation has strengths and weaknesses.
    3. The only reason you see more of the problems now, is due to social media! The bad is right in front of you on that computer screen or smart phone in your hand.
    4. The media loves to feed on the negative and adds fuel to that fire. Everything happens and spreads so incredibly fast via the internet. The positive gets a split second of attention if lucky. What do people remember the most???

    And the biggest thing out there is every generation has been shaped by the dramatic events that occurred in the world around them while growing up. The current generation was shaped by school shootings, child kidnappings,social media and 2001 has had an impact. They are shaped by how society has reacted to these events around them. Think about today, what has been the most recent events, and how will these events impact those today?

    Parents are overly protective. Kids can no longer just go outside to play. Parents are hovering and think their kids can do no wrong. The schools have zero tolerance for fighting. But do not defend yourself or you will be punished, it is better to get pounded to the ground. The schools are against bullying but that doesn’t happen at school. No one wants to tell the kids, “no!” Parents receive texts from their kids’ teachers on what assignments are due, when they failed to turn one in and can see their grades at any given time. What are we doing to the next generation?? My husband and I see all of this but yet do not conform to the stereotype “helicopter” of parents right now (other parents think we are bad parents). We teach our kids manners, critical thinking, discipline, responsibility and we want our kids to have a desire to succeed along with being a leader. If they receive bad grades, then they obviously missed the lesson or failed to study. Stress to them they do not have to do what everyone else is doing or have what everyone else has. Believe in who they are and be strong in their beliefs. Our parenting is not going to change the world, but it just might produce three future independent and respectful adults.

    Here’s what this current generation and those future generations have…….social media, internet, instant everything, tons of technology and someone defining one person by the generation they were born into. Those are huge challenges to overcome. Their business is known instantly and people remember the negative over the positive.

    Think about it like this, the United States most likely would not have elected F.D.R. as president, if the nation knew he was in a wheel chair. Why was that?

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