Yahoo Answers (G-Big)

Member Since 08/18/2013

From Florida

  • Br1sa 8 years ago on The Real Reason Recruitment Sucks Is Because You Make It Suck

    this is very true. I was VP of recruitment 2 years in a row and it is so draining to plan, but what makes it the hardest is having sister complain about outfits, learning songs, not wanting to wear makeup..and all things that only last 3 days about school. while I have been planning these three days for a year.

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  • AGDeezy 8 years ago on Is Recruitment Good Or Bad For Your Self-Esteem?

    This is basically how recruitment worked before most schools implemented RFM. So many chapters closed and so many more girls were dropped because no one had to look at houses they didn’t think they wanted. RFM hasn’t even been around for that long, don’t forget history y’all.

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  • MsDoodles 8 years ago on This Is What It Really Feels Like To Get An IUD Inserted

    I honestly had a bad reaction upon insertion. I got really dizzy, more dizzy than I have ever been in my entire life, came in and out of consciousness, got sick, and had to be kept on supervised bed rest in student health for a few hours after. BUT I toughed it out and it’s been one year since and I’ve had no “real periods” just some light spotting and cramps once a month, and, more importantly, no pregnancies. I highly recommend it, even though the insertion was literal hell for a few hours, it was totally worth it. I estimate that I’ve already saved over a hundred dollars on pads, not to mention my hormones are balanced and my mood swings are basically non-existent. Everyone’s body is different, and everyone is going to react differently. Don’t let the fear of a bad reaction get in the way of possibly 3 (or 5!) years of worry-free birth control.

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  • nescaccprincess 8 years ago on This Is What It Really Feels Like To Get An IUD Inserted

    Yes this! Under Obamacare it’s illegal for your insurance not to cover generic forms of birth control so the majority of insured women should be getting it for free! (Which saves everyone money cus the cost of birth control is way cheaper for insurance companies than childbirth costs) definitely check with your insurer !

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  • nescaccprincess 8 years ago on This Is What It Really Feels Like To Get An IUD Inserted

    I got mirena recently (like three weeks ago) and have had random light cramping and spotting. The pain to get it was way worse for
    me than described here though. Before they place it they measure your uterus which hurts like a long really painful period cramp and then the placement is the same type of pain but not as bad. I was lightheaded and had to drink juice and lie down for a few minutes before leaving, but I felt ok pretty quickly. Number one advice for anyone considering it is take the day off work and bring a friend or family member with you for moral support and to drive you home! It’s definitely a great option that more women should take advantage of

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  • SarahW1626 8 years ago on This Is What It Really Feels Like To Get An IUD Inserted

    Getting my Mirena was the worst pain I’ve yet to experience in my life. It was almost unbearable, but I did it. Everyone’s bodies are different. After insertion I bled a lot and then had very bad cramps for about a day or two, and then had spotting for 3 months but since then it’s been great. I get my period once a year (for a week) and that’s it, and I’ve had it for almost 3 years now, with no trouble at all. Definitely a good idea, I would recommend it for anyone who sucks are remembering to take the pill (like I did).

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  • Tantan 8 years ago on This Is What It Really Feels Like To Get An IUD Inserted

    I had the Mirena placed. After it was inserted I waited in the exam room for maybe 5 minutes waiting for the cramping to subside. The doctor told me to take 2 Advil’s and to place a heating pad on my lower abdomen. After the 5 minutes I didn’t feel a thing and it wasn’t that bad either. The doctor warned me about spotting but the only spotting I have is in place of my period. It’s heaven. And I don’t have to worry about it for 5 years which is always a plus. 🙂

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  • moonshine1874 8 years ago on I Was Adopted By The Perfect Family After My Big Ditched Me

    I’m probably going to sound like a whiney bitch but I don’t get adopting. It happens so much in my chapter that it’s basically if you don’t like who you end up with or if you have a fight, you “get a new family.” I can understand if your big drops out, transfers, a few etc. things, but if you have a GBig you do like or a friends’ family like the author, hang with them but don’t make it a huge deal.

    I really can’t stand it when a sophomore or junior who is already a a big wants to “get adopted.” Focus on your little/family, don’t screw everything up for everyone else over your own petty shit

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