Yahoo Answers (G-Big)

Member Since 08/18/2013

From Florida

  • Sunshine4121 8 years ago on Your Mom Shouldn’t Be Your Best Friend

    I love this! My mom always told me, she’s my mom, not my friend. Teenagers need parenting. They need someone who says no. I did not get along with my mom when I was younger, mostly because I was a brat. I didn’t really see why she chose to be the parent she is until I finished my sophomore year of college. Now I’m 22 and we are incredibly close, but regardless, she is still my mom, not my friend. And I’m significantly more independent and self sufficient than most of my friends because of that. I’m incredibly thankful she forced us to have strong boundaries, even though in high school I hated her for it.

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  • DaniMarie95 8 years ago on My Dad Sucks

    This is essentially the relationship I have with my parents. My mom while she has always tried to put on the front of perfect house mom is actually one of the meanest people I know. She’s verbally abusive to everyone in my family and won’t do anything to help us unless it looks good for her to other people. Nobody ever understand this because she seems fine to everyone else. This leads to my dad telling me about marital issues going back from before I was born because he knows nobody else would understand when he talks about her. I’m the oldest so my younger siblings also have confined in me about issues with her as well. It’s very stressful. Thank you for writing this article.

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  • Errol Monite 8 years ago on My Dad Sucks

    Women are literally, psychologically, children. There are only 3 differences between a woman and a child.

    1) A woman has the body of an adult
    2) A woman has the vocabulary of an adult (sometimes)
    3) A woman has just enough intelligence to ape an adult. Ape means mimic.

    Women are inferior to men in almost everything. Why these creatures are allowed to vote is a mystery.

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  • Zoe 8 years ago on My Dad Sucks

    A relationship with your child is not a fucking business deal. You shouldn’t have to earn your father’s love. This has nothing to do with “disrespecting his contributions”. The people relating to this just want love from their dads. They could be experiencing anything from emotional negligence, to emotional abuse. You have no right to invalidate somebody’s pain or struggle in a relationship you know nothing about.

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  • rainbowburstkitty 8 years ago on My Dad Sucks

    “He’d talk to me about his marital problems with my mom. It was a heavy weight on my young shoulders. After each of these talks I’d get a nervous and guilty feeling (which I now know is anxiety). After each of these talks I would try to be as perfect and good as I could be. One less thing my parents would have to stress about.”

    This isn’t something parents ever did until Baby Boomers became parents. When that happened, parents became friends with their kids and they developed dysfunctional relationships sometimes called “surrogate spouses.”

    This is where one parent doesn’t get along with the other and uses a kid of the same gender in their place. Ew gross. Shows the weakness of the Baby Boomers. Your kids are not your confidantes.

    Go to a friggin’ book club or make friends at a bar or make friends at work..or even a sorority if you are young like us or friends from campus if you want friends to vent your problems.

    That said, this alone doesn’t warrant her ire. She seems like a malcontent who will find fault with any man or anything.

    Today, we can see patterns of behavior by tracking things like stories they write or comments they make on Facebook. I have a girlfriends on Facebook from high school and even now at college, and 100 percent of her postings are complaints. I’ve refused to get together with her because I don’t need to hang with women who complain instead of work hard. It is how you become a truly empowered women, like Ronda Rousey, a true feminist.

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  • rainbowburstkitty 8 years ago on My Dad Sucks

    Dismissing the father’s contribution and criticizing his lack of “emotional support”. “Emotional support” is code for reinforcing the princess fantasy.

    Workhard and earn your way up like a truth empowered women, like me or Ronda Rousey, and always respect your father’s contributions, especially if they tried really hard.

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  • rainbowburstkitty 8 years ago on My Dad Sucks

    He called her out for being a slut and judging by her article resume, he was in the right.

    “How To Convince A Guy You’re Not A Slut, Even If You Kind Of Are”

    “Baking For A Guy Is Low Key Sluttier Than Banging Him”

    “The Penis That Got Away”

    “The Time A Guy Mistook A Sugar Packet For A Condom And Temporarily Blinded Me”

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  • rainbowburstkitty 8 years ago on My Dad Sucks

    That aside, he made a cardinal mistake, one provider fathers of the past didn’t: he discussed his marital problems with his daughter (assuming this was not an exaggeration on her part). On this neither traditional parenting advice or modern hippie child psychology agree: kids can’t be slammed into adulthood all at once. Half the function of parenting is to keep a shield between the kid and the stresses of the world, until they’re old enough to cope with it. That shield can be slowly lowered over time, but it’s fucking stupid to start speculating whether wifey is banging Boris the Pool Boy with your daughter. That’s the sort of conversation you have with an adult child, if at all.

    Possibly he mistook some airheaded asshole’s advice to try and “identify” or “connect” with his kid by sharing some common problems he had with her, or (probably) like a lot of men he didn’t have any place outside the home to go and shoot the shit with other guys who’d keep their mouths shut. And you could argue he was probably the sort of father who didn’t like the wife, but knew he was going to get anally fucked if he divorced, so he was careful to tick the boxes.

    But either way, remember this: your kid is not your friend. In a normal parent-child relationship there is always a massive power imbalance, and it’s wholly on the parent’s side. That power can be easily abused, whether your intentions are good or ill. You can no more be a dictionary-definition “friend” to your kid than a slave can be a dictionary-definition “friend” to his master. The nature of the relationship does not truly allow it. Or put it another way: you cannot have the same conversations with your child that you would have with your friends.

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  • Qrstuvmom 8 years ago on My Dad Sucks

    I can relate. My father gave me terrible anxiety issues. He too would involve me in his marital issues and I can even remember being in a position of knowing about an affair of his, and being put in an awful position between my mother and him. The things he would yell at me when he was just upset are things a daughter should never hear. “I wish you were never born”, “you’re stupid and you’ll never be anything in life but a sad street whore”. To just name a few. I was in a toxic relationship! With my father! This is the man I love most in the world and also the man who did me the most harm. But at this point in my life, about to graduate, living by myself, far from him.. I’ve realized something. Learning to not let the past with him bother me and get to me was the best thing I learned to do. I had a very fortunate life. I had so many things to be thankful for. And besides all the anxiety and emotional damage, he worked hard to put a roof on my head and provide comfort and stability to my family. I have to recognize that he made sacrifices for my family and I, and that he was there for me on occasions that I needed him. He wasn’t perfect. Hell far from it! But just like I can never forget the harm he caused me, I can’t forget the things he did for me. And neither should any of you. I know that realizing this helped me forgive and get through. Just my two cents here. 🙂

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  • PiPhiLovesPike 8 years ago on Miss Great Britain Loses Her Crown After Having Sex On TV

    I completely see where the MGBO was coming from here. When you win a pageant title, you instantly become a role model for an entire country of little girls. This has nothing to do with “slut-shaming.” It isn’t ladylike or setting a good example for her to be filmed having sex on tv. No, she’s not supposed to stay a virgin, but she IS supposed to keep her sex life private. However, I totally agree that the pageant board should have vetoed her decision to be on the show in the first place!

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