Yahoo Answers (G-Big)

Member Since 08/18/2013

From Florida

  • drunk and confused 8 years ago on Being Awkward Isn't Cool -- It's Embarrassing

    I feel like the author’s point was not that “you should hate yourself for being awkward” but instead “be the confident and fierce woman you are”. You should not strive to be the adorkable girl. Yes, some points got lost in translation, but that doesn’t make it a target for hate-darts. As an awkward, clumsy girl I take no offense by this article, I see the points she was trying to make and I understand the conclusion. I think some of it just got muddled. I try to be confident and cool girl and…. that’s where alcohol comes in (a joke for the numerous women who didn’t understand my last article was a satire).

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  • Blahblah 8 years ago on Being Awkward Isn't Cool -- It's Embarrassing

    Maybe people respect you more because you’re voicing your opinion than because you are or aren’t awkward … Because awkwardness is so context based. If you go somewhere unfamiliar and make a mistake in terms of etiquette because you don’t know the intricacies of it, does that immediately make you a worthless person? If you’re in an all male environment and they make you feel awkward because you’re a female for being there, is that acceptable? Is having a conversation with your family ever totally free from awkwardness? I feel like being comfortable with awkwardness is more relevant than condemning it. With that said, I comprehend the relevance of setting a standard for yourself, so I appreciate this article’s assertion of that.

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  • AXOverIt 8 years ago on New Mandate For Dealing With Campus Sexual Assault May Actually Be Harmful To Victims

    My emotions towards how sexual assault has been handled lately has turned from sadness to pure anger. Being a victim myself, I felt so incredibly out of control after my assault I couldn’t imagine what it would be like to have another (huge) decision taken from me. What happens to the victim after an incident should be nobody’s choice except the victim’s, simple as that.

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  • confused 8 years ago on Being Awkward Isn't Cool -- It's Embarrassing

    Also find it ironic that she quotes (the movie version) of Pride and Prejudice when Elizabeth Bennett was most certainly not the typical, superstar character. She was poor and unconventional, and often did things that weren’t really expected of women in her society – and yes, she was awkward at times and refused to conform to certain social norms.

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  • confused 8 years ago on Being Awkward Isn't Cool -- It's Embarrassing

    ^Exactly. It also automatically assumes that anyone who is “quirky,” “awkward,” “weird” (which are all totally subjective adjectives and the definitions of them change from person to person) is somehow TRYING to be that way, and that shows like New Girl are encouraging girls to be like that – when in actuality, they’re giving girls who maybe don’t fit a typical mold the confidence to just be themselves. I’m not really a Zooey Deschanel fan (or a Beyonce fan, for that matter) but the point is that it’s different strokes for different folks, and this author is desperately trying to paint one way of being as the only good way.

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  • Ansleydeltapi 8 years ago on You Don't NEED A Ring By Spring, Psycho

    A girl in my PC got engaged sophomore year (lolz) and basically dropped off the face of the earth. She still gets decent grades but she spends all her free time with her fiancé. If you’re going to get engaged in college, at least wait until senior year so you can enjoy the college experience. Also if you’re in a serious relationship, it’s a great opportunity to learn how to balance a relationship with school (which is the equivalent of a job someday) and a social life which will keep you sane. If you can’t balance all your commitments yet, you’re not ready to be married.

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  • Ansleydeltapi 8 years ago on Being Awkward Isn't Cool -- It's Embarrassing

    I’d like to think the point of this article is that it’s important to develop good social skills/knowledge of how to behave in different situations without embarrassing yourself. Not everyone has those skills naturally, but anyone can develop them and they are really helpful in life. Additionally I think it’s a great point that if you don’t like something about yourself, you can work to change it. However, if that honestly was the point of this article, the author did a TERRIBLE job of articulating that point. TSM is supposed to be satire, but this article took it too far and just sounds bitchy. There isn’t just one right personality type, and individualism is an awesome thing! Being quirky/silly does not mean you have poor social skills at all. In fact, those people are some of the most fun people to be around!

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  • Ansleydeltapi 8 years ago on New Mandate For Dealing With Campus Sexual Assault May Actually Be Harmful To Victims

    College is already a time where students struggle with mental health issues. The fear of not being able to confide in someone about being sexually assaulted would be extremely detrimental to many people. Instead of being able tell a trusted adult, girls (or guys) who aren’t sure they want to report it will just keep it to themselves and not get the help they need to get past it, leading to increased depression/anxiety etc… While we all think people who commit sexual crimes deserve to be punished, some victims do not want to be public about what happened to them or would be uncomfortable testifying in court.

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