yankees121 (New Member)

Member Since 03/19/2013

From Massachusetts

  • yankees121 10 years ago on 4Chan Proposes "Fourth Wave Feminism," Promotes Sexualization Of Women

    “Merriam Webster Dictionary defines feminism as “the belief that men and women should have equal rights and opportunities” –
    So why aren’t feminist fighting for the right to be forced to register for the draft under penalty of law, why aren’t feminist fighting for women to be sentenced like men for the same crimes. why are feminist fighting to reform divorce and child custody laws to not heavily favor women. Why did feminist support Obamacare forcing young men to subsidize women’s health-care insurance. Why doesn’t feminism ask the NFL(a male dominated sport in participants and viewership) to promote prostate awareness month and not just breast cancer awareness. The reality is women have more rights and benefits then men.

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