ybagzapata (PNM)

Member Since 10/15/2014

From Texas

  • ybagzapata 10 years ago on ADPis Allegedly Beat The Ever-Living Shit Out Of Some Girl, Nationals Denies Allegations

    I don’t go to SHSU, but visit at least three times a month because my boyfriend attends and plays for their football team…. and this article coming from something happening in Huntsville on a weekend I was actually there (their homecoming game which EVERYONE was out afterwards because of) 1) I could totally see this happening 2) and could totally see this happening because most sorority girls float around in their letters while heavily intoxicated and causing trouble like this. It could just be a coincidence that ADPI had just hosted their Mean Stinks event and someone decided to make them look bad, but it also could’ve actually happened. TSM is just reporting what everyone else can gain access to through Twitter and Facebook, really. They have all the right to do so.

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