Monogramming the pocket on your new shack shirt. TSM.
Monogramming the pocket on your new shack shirt. TSM.
Writing down spray tan and nail appointments in your planner, but not test dates. TSM.
Sisterhood of the traveling ID. TSM.
Only texting in group messages. TSM.
“Have you met my little?” TSM.
Celebrating the weekend in the middle of the week. TSM.
Calling your big’s boyfriend “Dad.” TSM.
Fueling fraternity feuds as the Helen of Troy of Greek Row. TSM.
Sleeping with the social chair to improve the mixer theme. TSM.
Remember that time when I opened a bottle of wine with a knife? That’s when I knew I could survive in the wild. TSM.
The name on your fake being your nickname. TSM.
Swiping left if they don’t look like they can handle your big. TSM.
Bringing alcohol to the library to get through mandatory study hours. TSM.
Having a “Who wore it best?” competition in your head every time you see a girl wearing a shack shirt you have. TSM.
Forgetting you aren’t actually 21. TSM.
Freaking out when the TSM app is updated. TSM.
Telling people your drink is made with “love” when they ask what’s in it. TSM.
Having a draft day for formal dates. TSM.
“Let’s dage” being music to your ears. TSM.
Your sorority winning every fraternity pageant on campus. TSM.