
The Inner Monologue Of An Active During Recruitment As Told By Gifs

Day Four: Pref Night

9 a.m.: What year is it? Am I dead? No? Okay, just exausted. How did we stay up making cuts until 1 a.m.?


5:30 p.m.: This sisterhood is such a beautiful experience. Everyone’s in genuine tears, and it’s not from wearing heels all day. The PNMs are crying, too. This is too much to handle. This is what sisterhood is all about.


6 p.m.: Rush crush just shed a tear. She is so perfect, and we’re totally having a moment. I can’t wait to call her my sister.


6:05 p.m.: Unless she chooses our rivals, but she wouldn’t dare.



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Rachel Page

Rachel enjoys spending her time thinking about Britney Spears, whining about being single, and thinking about Britney Spears. She doesn't take to criticism well, so be nice or so she will cry herself to sleep! Email:

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