The closer I get to senior year, the less monogrammed stuff I buy because I don’t want it all to be outdated when my initials change. TSM.
The closer I get to senior year, the less monogrammed stuff I buy because I don’t want it all to be outdated when my initials change. TSM.
A proper lady never spits. Anything. TSM.
For my birthday last week Fratdaddy bought me a David Yurman ring, a new longchamp tote, Columbia pfg shirt, a monogrammed fishing pole, 4 new colors of nike shorts, and a set of pearl earrings. We have been together for two months last Friday. Oh and we still haven’t had sex. TSM.
I’m not your slampiece, you’re my fratslam. TSM.
Enough cleavage to let them know I party,but enough pearls to let them know I’m classy. TSM.
Custom painted cooler for mountiain weekend: $50. Busch Light and Jack Daniel’s: $55. Being drunk untop of a mountain with a Fratstar: Priceless. TSM.
On gamedays, I shotgun Nattys in $300 Lilly dresses and my grandmother’s pearls. TSM.