beamerbenzbentley (Big)

Member Since 04/20/2016

From West Virginia

  • beamerbenzbentley 7 years ago on Everything About Me Screams "Basic," But I'm Really Not

    Well since you’re from new jersey too (I’m from central jersey), I gotta say I have never met anyone from my area who isn’t considered “basic”. Idk what it is about jersey but we love name brands, which is why half of my high school graduating class is in debt because everyone needed a white mercedes c-class as a first car. This perfectly summed up most jersey girls and I love it.

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  • beamerbenzbentley 8 years ago on I Started Shaving My Face And It Completely Changed My Life

    Ive been considering doing this. I have fair skin and dark hair (literally the worst combination possible) and the dark peach fuzz on my face has been bothering me for a while now. My only question is, does the hair grow back thicker and darker? My mom keeps telling me that will happen if i shave my face

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  • beamerbenzbentley 8 years ago on You Weren't Born In The Wrong Generation

    Ive been obsessively reading the outlander books (pls watch the show on starz if you dont know what im talking about) and wishing i lived in 1730s scotland so i could meet a sexy scottish guy so i kinda needed to hear this. actually i might be the only person crazy enough to want to live back then….

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  • beamerbenzbentley 8 years ago on Victoria's Secret Is Discontinuing Its Swimwear Line

    I believe it but i guess when you’re looking at the country as a whole swim just doesn’t sell as well as it used to. I’ve also heard that L brands is struggling in general with sales ever since 2008, not just in VS. The corporation had to cut back on a lot of things and they’re trying to focus more on bras and lingerie which probably has a lower production cost than the swim. We had corporate come into the store I work at recently and they basically told us to shift our focus to bras.

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  • beamerbenzbentley 8 years ago on Victoria's Secret Is Discontinuing Its Swimwear Line

    I work for VS and I was really upset when my manager told me about this. But basically the decision was based on return rates, swim having the highest out of all their products. The way my manager explained it was that most women who buy the swim will buy 10 or so bathing suits, try them on, keep maybe 3, and return the rest. So the turnover rate compared to sale revenue is much higher and VS has been losing money because of this. Also you have to take into consideration that the Midwest and places without beaches near by are not buying at the same rate as let’s say Florida. And VS’s attempt to jump sales by having the swim special this year was a bust as well. So all of that together is the reasoning behind discontinuing the swim line. It sucks, but money comes first with corporations likes this.

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  • beamerbenzbentley 8 years ago on There's A Reason Why Girls Have More Anxiety Than Boys

    This is so painfully true. I’m a firm believer that Instagram is toxic for women. It makes me hate everything about myself, especially when I see someone prettier, richer, and skinnier than me. And to all Instagram models, your “thinspiration” post isn’t motivating me, it’s making me feel like a fat cow so thanks

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  • beamerbenzbentley 8 years ago on Dear #ActualSororityMove (And Anyone Else Who Doesn't Understand TSM)

    I made an account just to respond to this, honestly I absolutely love tsm and its the perfect website for colleged aged women, Greek or not. No shame in admitting I read it everyday and think it’s better than cosmopolitan. But while I think tsm has awesome articles, there has been a few thats taken it too far and I think that’s why some people were rubbed the wrong way (that article about things my boyfriend better not get me for Christmas being an example). If it comes off as humor people get it and they laugh and all is great but there’s been a few things posted on here that lacked the humor part and that’s when people get offended by tsm and take it too seriously

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