Judging a guy by his ability to unhook your bra. TSM.
Judging a guy by his ability to unhook your bra. TSM.
Being the legend, the role model, and the bad influence all at the same time. TSM.
Being the authority on all things sorority. TSM.
Let the crafting for our future littles begin. TSM.
Tell someone that a fake ID is a long-term investment because you’ll pass it on to your little when you’re done with it. TSM.
I don’t believe in pre-nups, just like I don’t believe in returning shack shirts. TSM.
The casual “By the way, I’m wearing your clothes” text. TSM.
“Tell me I’m prettier!” TSM.
Making a drinking game out of the desperate phone calls and texts he’s sending you. TSTC.
I met my little, because she was dating my boyfriend’s fraternity brother. We lasted. The boys didn’t. TSM.