betterthanusince52 (Big)

Member Since 05/22/2012

From District Of Columbia

  • betterthanusince52 9 years ago on An Extremely Honest Look At What It's Actually Like To Have A Sugar Daddy

    Just to be clear though, being a “sugar baby” is being a prostitute. You can give it whatever cute, harmless name you want, but any woman considering this needs to think extremely seriously about the kind of lasting implications this choice can have. It’s incredibly simple for your sugar daddy to release your texts, emails, written agreements and have the entire world including employers and your family know that you were paid for a sexual relationship. You’re giving absolute strangers the ability to derail your life and reputation at any point in the future, just so you can get some gifts and go on trips.

    I think women should make their own sexual decisions, but let’s stop sugar coating this and pretending it’s something it’s not.

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  • betterthanusince52 9 years ago on Check Out Mila Kunis, Jennifer Lawrence, Emma Watson Fat

    How do people become alcoholics or drug addicts?

    You tell yourself it’s not that bad, you come up with excuses, you try fixing the problem, slip up, and then get mad at yourself, so you just punish yourself by increasing the problem. You get disheartened, you lose your confidence, and before you know it, you don’t recognize yourself.

    I really think it’s wonderful that you have the discipline you do. But not everyone does. Just as I’m sure you have personal flaws that other people can’t relate to.

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  • betterthanusince52 9 years ago on Check Out Mila Kunis, Jennifer Lawrence, Emma Watson Fat

    Here’s what you guys aren’t getting: I’m a fat girl. That’s the reality of it- part of it’s genetics, part of it’s my medication, and then most of it is my own unhealthy choices. I’m WELL aware of it, I struggle with it every single day, and I’m trying my absolute hardest to lose weight and get healthy. To reference Tuco’s comment, I don’t think the world owes me anything. I’m okay with guys not finding me attractive. But what I’m asking for is that you don’t do it to my face. I don’t need guys laughing behind my back when I go to a mixer with my sisters, I don’t need women on the subway coming up to me and telling me I have such a pretty face and could look so nice if I lost weight. I think those thoughts about myself every day– I really don’t need the entire world to inform me that I’m disgusting.

    With these photos, and the plus size models, and everything else, it’s not “supporting an unhealthy lifestyle.” Absolutely no one is going to look at these photos and say “oh, I want to look like that when I grow up.” I don’t look at those photos, and think that my weight is fine. But weight, and being pretty and confident are two different matters. I know my weight’s unhealthy, and I’m working to fix it. But I still deserve to think I can be pretty, and I can feel good about myself. That’s what these photos do. Those women are big, but they’re still beautiful women. Before I lose all my weight, I deserve to be able to look at myself in a mirror every once in a while, and not completely hate myself, or think everyone else in the world thinks I’m disgusting. I know this is hard to get if you’re not overweight, but this is the best way I could explain it.

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  • betterthanusince52 10 years ago on College Students Are Morons, Don't Know Shit About Anything

    Those kids in the video are absolute idiots– but, for every one of those kids who answered, I know 2 or 3 who were interviewed and answered correctly, but had their footage cut. It’s a media video trying to make a certain point- “kids at liberal arts schools don’t know anything.” Obviously they edit the footage to make that point…

    AU was ranked the most politically active school in the country- I promise you the majority of the students can name a senator. They picked the morons (which every school has…) to feature in the video.

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