excusemewhat (Big)

Member Since 04/20/2016

From Massachusetts

  • excusemewhat 8 years ago on Is it Possible That There Is Something In Between Consensual Sex And Rape...And That It Happens To Almost Every Girl Out There?

    THANK YOU. This should be mandatory reading for all college aged girls. I was raped at a club my freshman year- drugged, transported across state lines, and endured assault while unconscious to the point of physical trauma- and it absolutely kills me when I hear girls complain about being sexually assaulted because they were too drunk to actually consent and regret the sex the next morning. I’m sorry, but there is a massive difference between making a drunk mistake that you feel guilty about later and being straight up raped. It is disrespectful to survivors to think the two are comparable, and it’s unfair to these boys who don’t expressly know why what they did was wrong.

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  • excusemewhat 8 years ago on Dear #ActualSororityMove (And Anyone Else Who Doesn't Understand TSM)

    “sorority girls are supposed to like lily pulitzer, i like ripped jeans and sneakers”….. jesus christ, why are you treating it as a competition? I hate this ‘special snowflake’ mentality, you are not special or better than anyone else because you like to lounge around in a pair of jeans. It’s so funny, because pitting women against each other based on their interests and fashion choices is far more regressive than anything they believe TSM promotes.

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