gphibae9923 (Big)

Member Since 03/26/2015

From Pennsylvania

  • gphibae9923 9 years ago on Apparently Men Are Done With Curvy Girls And Like Skinny Bitches Again Because Life Isn't Fair

    All of those records are male because no one gave a shit about women until (debatably) the 1980s, and male athletes compete in male sports, females compete in female sports because biologically we aren’t built to be as big. Intelligence on the other hand has nothing to do with gender and the reason all of the scenarios you just listed are dominated by men is because men dominated EVERYTHING up
    until the past three decades. Even cooking- check out some of the most famous chefs. What’s even the point in you spending thousands of dollars on a college education to be so fucking stupid? It’s your backward stereotypical “srat” view that you’re nothing but a future housewife and slam piece is what’s keeping it that way. Heads up, beauty fades, and even if a man is vain enough to marry you, he’ll be vain enough to leave you for a 20 year old when you’ve got that perfect life you’re looking for. But with views like that you’ll probably be marrying your cousin anyway so I wouldn’t worry about it.

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  • gphibae9923 9 years ago on 11 Things Every Educated Woman In America Needs To Know ASAP

    And why don’t women pursue them? Because we are taught at a young age that girls should be better in English and boys in Math, in attempting to pursue one of these fields you have to deal with being ostracized and objectified in the work place (and if you stand up for yourself you’re not a “boss” you’re a bitch), and again, we bear the burden of having to carry a child, many women don’t want to make the decision between having a family and a career- could you imagine trying to make it through med school and residency while raising a kid? And if you decide to have that kid, in fields like my own, if you want to return there’s A LOT youve fallen behind on innovation wise. And the institutional problem that prevents garunteed maternity leave for all and most definitely not paid or lengthy maternity leave makes it nearly impossible to balance a good family life and satisfying career.

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  • gphibae9923 9 years ago on 11 Things Every Educated Woman In America Needs To Know ASAP

    Computer Science major Gender Studies minor here, and it’s honestly upsetting that as a woman you just downplayed the social issue here. Aside from this article being laughably offensive, the wage gap DOES hold up when comparing women in STEM to men in equivalent positions, as in theres roughly 7 cents unaccounted for (trust me, I am a woman in the most male dominated field besides engineering and wrote a 15 page thesis on this exact topic last semester). Yes it is true that men and women dominate different fields, men in the higher paying fields, but did you ever think that’s not just “how things are”? Since the early 1990s women have scored HIGHER in math and science standardized tests and earned higher GPAs across the board, so it’s not a question of ability, but still they’re getting paid less. To top that off, we have to carry the childbearing responsibility limiting us physically to work or return to work at that. If that’s not something to be concerned about as a college female, I don’t know what is….. #endrant

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