Red Stag (Big)

Member Since 01/19/2011

From Tennessee

  • Red Stag 7 years ago on Modern Feminism Is Ruining Femininity

    The word feminism implies pushing an agenda to specifically advance women, not equality for people. Men have disadvantages in the world as well (yes, it’s true. No group is free from having shit to deal with), and feminism does not acknowledge these. You may call yourself a feminist who cares about men’s issues as well and you may argue that feminism encompasses men’s issue, however there is already a word for advancing men’s issues (masculinism). Both ideologies advocate for one sex over the other.

    In reference to the concept of equity, the definition I am referring to is the one centered around having presence in the world. Feminism hopes to attain his tbrough the demonization of men (see: title ix, feminist blogs on “mansplaining,” etc.).

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  • Red Stag 7 years ago on Modern Feminism Is Ruining Femininity

    I didn’t read the article, but feminism is a cancer on society. Egalitarianism is true equality. Feminism wants “equity” which is a nice way of saying “men have been huge dickheads for like ever and we want our place in the world right now so fuck all you men who may actually be decent humans that worked to get where you are because the women are coming to take control.”

    I defy one of you to debate me.

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  • Red Stag 7 years ago on Jasmine Goode Doesn't Believe Corinne Oympios About Alleged Bachelor Sexual Assault

    Yes, sexual assault is a problem and anyone guilty of it should be in prison. However, your “let’s believe the ‘victim’ regardless of the circumstances” mentality is toxic.

    They were both drunk and because of that, technically neither was able to give consent. So why do you blame the guy? Please enlighten me with the details that I’m failing to see.

    That kind of thinking is sexist on multiple levels because you assume that women need to be protected from the big bad men that are out to rape them. Funny how this doesn’t align with the feminist narrative of women being able to take care of themselves.

    When you pull this kind of shit you only lessen the severity of REAL RAPE VICTIMS’ trauma. I don’t think they’d appreciate a girl having regrettable sex claiming that she was raped.

    Please check your bias at the door and wait to hear the facts before you assume the girl is a victim and the guy is guilty.

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