Being asked to fix his cooler because the last girl didn’t know what she was doing. TSM.
Being asked to fix his cooler because the last girl didn’t know what she was doing. TSM.
Recruitment, not boys, being your motivation to stay in shape. TSM.
Wanted: part-time boyfriend. Sunday-Wednesday. TSM.
Going over in your letters, leaving in his. TSM.
Your friend texting you about your unhealthy crafting obsession as you’re walking into Michael’s. TSM.
Your phone autocorrecting “frap” to “frat.” TSM.
Your biological family having to repeatedly remind you to stop squatting in family photos. TSM.
Not having enough room on your phone for more music because you refuse to delete all your drunk selfies. TSM.
New girls knowing who you are when you’re a senior because your little and g-little talk about you so much. TSM.
Always voting against your rival sorority, no matter the school. TSM.