sratty said so (Big)

Member Since 10/26/2011

From Anonymous

  • sratty said so 12 years ago on Western Kentucky University

    how? directly is right I feel. The drunker you were last night, the less likely you were to take your jewelry off. More jewelry = more drunk = better night. Directly proportional.

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  • sratty said so 13 years ago on Pregnancy Scare, Don’t Care (Totally Care a Lot)

    Sweetie, the only thing I’ve implied about you is that you have no sense of humor, and that you’re a bitch, which you’ve proven on your own. You can also add “doesn’t know how to use the English language” to that list. Have fun “playing on your level” I can barely hear you from up here anyway.

    Ps – for someone who preaches about class, you’re not exhibiting very much by coming onto a website, bashing another organization, and attempting to call out and just be a nasty person to a writer because you disagree with what she’s saying. Grow up.

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  • sratty said so 13 years ago on Pregnancy Scare, Don’t Care (Totally Care a Lot)

    First of all… you seem like a boring fucktard. No one said this happens every weekend, but GUESS THE FUCK WHAT.. it happens, and when it does this is pretty much the stream of consciousness that goes through your head. Congrats on never having experienced it you fugly virgin.

    Second of all, hot piece of TSM is my sister and we’re all extremely proud of her. She’s hillarious here and in real life. No one asked her to change her name. I’m not sure if you’ve noticed, but a HUGE portion of the content on this website revolves around drinking, and hooking up. Did you ever think that maybe when TFM approached her that SHE didn’t want to discuss those topics while representing her letters. She’s not a fucking idiot, she respects our sorority enough to not speak on behalf of it, you ignorant bitch. And don’t you EVER condescend ASA again.

    With all of that said, you all need to lighten the fuck up. Of course the topics are trashy sometimes because recipes and talking about how classy you are isn’t funny. It’s a JOKE! This purpose of this website is to be FUNNY. And all of you who are saying “omgggg, I never drink… I never hook up… I never make bad decisions… I’m classy all the fucking time” you sound like a blast.

    hot piece – keep on sratting sister, we love you.

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