I move to question the TSM Intern’s biased intentions after constantly going after the Delta Gamma’s. Yes, we all know, sorority girls should not rap. However the Delta Gamma’s are hardly the first to make an embarrassing rap video. Lay off, TSM Intern. Catty isn’t classy.
I remember when I was in high school and I took pictures of myself. NS.
Great women think alike. Sorry, I didn’t see the other one!
I move to question the TSM Intern’s biased intentions after constantly going after the Delta Gamma’s. Yes, we all know, sorority girls should not rap. However the Delta Gamma’s are hardly the first to make an embarrassing rap video. Lay off, TSM Intern. Catty isn’t classy.
America paddles are the best. Absolutely love this.
Let’s be honest. There’s no theme there. That’s just how they dress.