“Wait, switch sides with me.” TSM.
“Wait, switch sides with me.” TSM.
“Which sorority is she in? Oh.” TSM.
The slight acknowledgment from fellow Greeks when you’re all wearing your letters in the airport. TSM.
The absolutely priceless look on your little’s face when she finds out you are her big. TSM.
A well-tailored suit is to women what lingerie is to men. TSM.
The difference is, we’re wearing leggings for comfort, and she’s wearing them because her jeans are too small. TSM.
International Badge Day making it even easier to spot all the geeds in class. TSM.
Every time I walk into Michaels I want to take another little. TSM.
Obsessing over your Little and idolizing your Big. TSM.
Hide your crazy and start acting like a lady. TSM.