The only thing that could make me hate you more than trying to steal my boyfriend is trying to steal my little. TSM.
The only thing that could make me hate you more than trying to steal my boyfriend is trying to steal my little. TSM.
Having 200 sisters “like” your status within an hour of posting your engagement. TSM.
The awkward moment when a GDI asks what a GDI is. TSM.
Gameday pictures: behind every girl’s back is a cup. TSM.
Putting on a stronger southern accent when you need someone to do something for you. TSM.
From the outside looking in, you can’t understand it. From the inside looking out, you can’t explain it. TSM.
For you, October revolves around running 5K’s, wearing an obnoxious amount of pink, and handing out ribbons. For me, those are year-round things. TSM.
The only time anyone is ever allowed to call me Big is when my Little says it. TSM.
Your little disliking all the same people as you not because you told her to, but because you are that good of a match. TSM.
Roses are red, Facebook is blue, no mutual friends, who the hell are you? TSM.