Yahoo Answers (G-Big)

Member Since 08/18/2013

From Florida

  • PinkandGreenandAngelWings 8 years ago on 11% Of Americans Think HTML Is An STD, And Other Embarrassing Things

    Barely 2000 people were interviewed and although they were all at least 18 (according to the study at least) the original article gives no indication of education level, location, or native language of the subjects. This study could be so easily manipulated to produce these “shocking” stats & it wouldn’t surprise me if that’s what the original author did. Who can blame them? These “stats” get attention and they get paid.

    Now I know TSM is only reporting the story, but I’m sad to see them choosing to spread this clearly bogus information about a country that gets enough shit as it is (I mean come on, we can barely even locate ourselves on a map.)

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  • CanadianSister 8 years ago on Why I Don't Dance On Tables Anymore

    The same thing happened to me, but no one thought to call a dentist so I got brought to an ER to see if I had a concussion. It was only when I saw a dentist the next day to get a referral to a surgeon to repair my broken upper jaw did I find out that we should have seen a dentist first. So now I have a fake tooth and a fear of heights :~)

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  • soyer5 8 years ago on Everything About A Guy's Level Of Security Is Related To His Penis

    Yeah, lesbianism. It’s a word. Are you trying to say that it’s not? I’ll tell you what. Don’t pay attention to me. Just tell yourself that I am just insecure because I have a small penis! Yeah just tell yourself that. That way you can go on believing that you known everything and anyone who disagree’s with you is just jealous or pathetic or egotistical.

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  • soyer5 8 years ago on Everything About A Guy's Level Of Security Is Related To His Penis

    Rachel you don’t know anything about men. Young femnazis like you always think that men are so cocky and so selfish, blah blah blah. Just because you have met one or two men who think that the world is held up by their penises, does not mean that the average guy thinks this way. The truth is this whole penis envy crap is something that has been created by the disgusting media in this country. The same as with young women who think their hips are too big or their chest is too small. These are people who are brainwashed by the media to have a poor body image and you are contributing to this epidemic. It is femnazis like you who are selfish and shallow and cocky. Therefore you think that those around you are the same as you. You think people around you must also be a shallow and pathetic. You see some good looking guy and you think that he must be shallow and selfish and cocky because he’s good looking. Because after all you are shallow selfish and cocky so everyone else must be too.

    You are the one who is insecure Rachel. You are angry and bitter at men and you think you have found something that can use to punish them and keep them in their place. If you want to be treated with respect your going to have to respect others. Or you will find yourself a bitter old woman who has resorted to lesbianism because she is so bitterly resentful toward men that she is willing to bat for the other team. This is what happened to Rosie o’donnell.

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  • person290384 8 years ago on Everything About A Guy's Level Of Security Is Related To His Penis

    Oh yeah, and by the way I drive a very nice BMW (PAID FOR) and so you automatically think I have a small dick because I had the ambition to buy a nice car? Well fuck off then you dumb bitch!

    As for personality I’ve NEVER been the kind that “walks around like they own the place”, in fact I would like to be like that so that more people would respect me but it just isn’t my personality! I tend to be far more introverted.

    People don’t feel entitled because of their dick size you dumb fucking cunt! People feel entitled possibly because their mom coddled them and did not ever discipline them when they needed it, or perhpas because of superficial material culture, or perhaps because they grew up with lots of money. But not because of their dick size! You fucking twat.

    It doesn’t get much more fucking stupid (AND WRONG) then this shit totally wrong and inaccurate and possibly even misandrist flaming pile of feminist horse shit than this piece of totally shit article!! This kind of shit REALLY pisses me off!!

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  • person290384 8 years ago on Everything About A Guy's Level Of Security Is Related To His Penis

    This is total fucking shit! By a stupid ass girl who knows fucking nothing! I have a huge dick (8″ and thick too) yet I am very emotional and insecure! Sure I also am bold and confident in some areas like ambition, but neither thing has anything to do with the size of my dick!

    My confidence with girls might have to do with having an attractive face, but also I am very insecure with girls too, because like if she doesn’t text me back within a short period my mind starts to reel. As a result, I actually haven’t had much success with women. And all I really want is one good one. But good ones are so hard to find!

    My insecurity might be related to my childhood, or it might just be my personality (INFJ). It could also be because this feminist American culture is very anti-male which gives bitchy women like you WAY too much power and latitude.

    I have to work hard to not be emotionally insecure and constantly fight against my inherent insecurity. It has nothing at all to do with the size of my dick! If it did, I would be one of the most confident guys automatically and I should be married to a perfect 10 with kids by now! So screw you and your shit feminist blog bashing men and making up total fucking lies about men.

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  • person290384 8 years ago on Everything About A Guy's Level Of Security Is Related To His Penis

    This is total fucking shit! By a stupid ass girl who knows fucking nothing! I have a huge dick (8″ and thick too) yet I am very emotional and insecure! Sure I also am bold and confident in some areas like ambition, but neither thing has anything to do with the size of my dick!

    My confidence with girls might have to do with having an attractive face, but also I am very insecure with girls too, because like if she doesn’t text me back within a short period my mind starts to reel. As a result, I actually haven’t had much success with women. And all I really want is one good one. But good ones are so hard to find!

    My insecurity might be related to my childhood, or it might just be my personality (INFJ). It could also be because this feminist American culture is very anti-male which gives bitchy women like you WAY too much power and latitude.

    I have to work hard to not be emotionally insecure and constantly fight against my inherent security. It has nothing at all to do with the size of my dick! If it did, I would be one of the most confident guys automatically and I should be married to a perfect 10 with kids by now! So screw you and your shit feminist blog bashing men and making up total fucking lies about men.

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  • person290384 8 years ago on Everything About A Guy's Level Of Security Is Related To His Penis

    This is total fucking shit! By a stupid ass girl who knows fucking nothing! I have a huge dick (8″ and think too) yet I am very emotional and insecure! Sure I also am bold and confident in some areas like ambition, but neither thing has anything to do with the size of my dick!

    My confidence with girls might have to do with having an attractive face, but also I am very insecure with girls too, because like if she doesn’t text me back within a short period my mind starts to reel. As a result, I actually haven’t had much success with women. And all I really want is one good one. But good ones are so hard to find!

    My insecurity might be related to my childhood, or it might just be my personality (INFJ). It could also be because this feminist American culture is very anti-male which gives bitchy women like you WAY too much power and latitude.

    I have to work hard to not be emotionally insecure and constantly fight against my inherent security. It has nothing at all to do with the size of my dick! If it did, I would be one of the most confident guys automatically and I should be married to a perfect 10 with kids by now! So screw you and your shit feminist blog bashing men and making up total fucking lies about men.

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