blondewasp (Little)

Member Since 08/12/2014

From Texas

  • blondewasp 9 years ago on Lifetime Calls Sorority Girls Bitches, Depicts Hazing in RIDICULOUSLY Bad Sorority Movie

    This is appalling! What’s worse are the comments on Lifetime , people actually believe this shit happens and all Greeks are mindless robots. My sorority was amazing, I was never forced to do anything I didn’t want to do. My sisters helped me become the woman I am today. After I graduated I found out I had a rare tumor . The second my sisters found out they were at my side. They donated money to my fundraiser when they heard I needed chemo. They posted the most encouraging and inspirational things on all my social media accounts. They Sent me flowers, cards and some sisters even drove over 8hrs to hold my hand during my chemo treatments, one even flew across the country just to be with me. They helped me pick out a wig when my hair started falling out told me I was beautiful with or without hair. They even planed a cruise to the Caribbean to celebrate my last chemo. Why not show a movie about that? That’s what Greek life is about.

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  • blondewasp 10 years ago on Virginia College Students Attempt To Bring Back Segregation, Place "White Only" And "Colored" Signs On Bathroom Doors And Water Fountains

    This isn’t CNN ,FOX news or the Associated Press. This is a web site that mainly has columns about Lilly , big/ lil relationships , booze, boys and what it’s like to have little boobs. This isn’t a place were I would go to get hard hitting news and you shouldn’t either. The author did not bash the whole school only the individuals who committed the horrid act and is entitled to express her opinion without being ridiculed.

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  • blondewasp 10 years ago on Why Sorority Recruitment Is Horrible And Needs To Change

    I got a snap bid a few hours after formal rush was over.
    I went through fall rush my freshmen year. I ended up getting invited to pref by the two top houses. House A I had fallen in love with before school started. House B I was curious about and loved that the president took me around to meet all her sisters. I attended both pref parties and at the end of the night went suicide for house A. The next day was bid day and I was devastated and humiliated to find my envelope empty. I ran to the bathroom and bawled my eyes out. Later that day I got a text from a a sister from house A that read,

    ” please don’t worry. We all love you. Expect a call at midnight and try to smile”

    A little after midnight i got a call from the entire chapter asking me to be their sister.

    I found out that they scored the die hards lower and the ones that were on the fence higher. This way, if the on the fencers chose our sorority first and another second we would get them and then pick up the die hards at midnight. I understand the idea but it sucked going through it.

    My big later told me she was in tears pref night because me and other girls weren’t able to run out and meet our new sisters on bid day.

    As sister I hated judging girls on first impression only. I always made a point in hard core chatting up PNMs during welcome week and when they came to sign up for rush.

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