bucbetch (Big)

Member Since 05/17/2013

From Texas

  • bucbetch 10 years ago on "Fit Mom" Speaks Out Against Obese Women Posing In Lingerie, Everyone Goes Apeshit

    In my opinion the problem isn’t that people don’t approve of others being overweight, it’s that our society believes that people *have to approve* of anything relating to each others’ bodies. I’m 5’10 and weigh 120 pounds and there are a lot of body types that I personally would not like to have because I do not find them aesthetically pleasing, but I don’t give a flying fuck if some stranger is posting a picture of themselves in lingerie. At the end of the day, whether it’s due to an unhealthy lifestyle, genetics, or whatever other myriad of variables that can contribute to weight and shape, my life and my body aren’t affected in the slightest by someone else’s, so why would I sit around and attack them? It’s beyond pointless and a waste of time and energy to think I have somehow earned the right to cry about a stranger’s body type.
    Honestly, I know I’ll get a lot of flack for it on a site like this but the misunderstanding in this area is the same misunderstanding with (non-radical) feminism. It’s not about prioritizing and heralding one type of human as superior, it’s about asking for equal recognition. So women reclaiming bodies that they are ashamed of for whatever reason isn’t because they’re real women and other women aren’t, it’s because they are marginalized and told that they are inferior, universally hideous, and subhuman.
    I guess my point is I don’t give a fuck what you eat. Or how often you exercise. Or what size you are. Or which part of your body is the biggest and which is the smallest. You’re as much of a person as I or anyone else am and my narrow individual perspective isn’t universal, and neither is yours.

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  • bucbetch 11 years ago on The Fundamentals of Sexting

    Yes. In case anyone missed the lifetime classic Sexting in Suburbia (not as hot as it sounds) the cardinal rule of sexting is never show your face.

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  • bucbetch 11 years ago on The Fundamentals of Sexting

    I’m a fan of occasional sexting. I never really worried about a guy leaking pics until my most recent ex, who is just psychotic and obsessive enough to potentially send them around. I worried for like two minutes before realizing I looked great in them, and if he wanted all his friends to see how hot the girl who dumped him was I guess that’s his call.

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  • bucbetch 11 years ago on Understanding The Supreme Court's Decisions On Same-Sex Marriage

    Following that logic I guess sterile people shouldn’t be allowed to marry either, right? I mean they can’t reproduce. Also whenever you blow your load not for reproductive purposes you’re proving your worthlessness to society.
    Go get a real argument, dipshit.
    Also the reason you don’t see homosexual animals (even if it was a gay gene) is because an animal’s telos isn’t love. Even an animal that mates for life isn’t because it falls in love with that other penguin’s personality and love of the same books or music or whatever, it’s for reproductive purposes. Animals do not have a higher function than reproduction when it comes to instinctual telos. Our ability to have higher consciousness, and therefore to be able to selectively love not just mate, is one of the things that separates us from the animal kingdom.

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  • bucbetch 11 years ago on How To Fail At Tinder

    I love tinder. I just wish guys were smart enough to know that I’m not using it to try to date them therefore I don’t want any “hi gorgeous” or “hey what’s up” messages. Also this is why I claimed the “tindertools” blog name a while ago, so that pictures of these idiots don’t go unappreciated.

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  • bucbetch 11 years ago on Understanding The Supreme Court's Decisions On Same-Sex Marriage

    ^^ “What’s equal is … a higher percentage[.]” Well. By definition, nope. TECHNICALLY what’s equal is to have a fixed percentage. Higher percentage for higher income is the same problem, though on a smaller scale, that would lead to full out socialism/communism not working in America: take away incentive to succeed (or make people feel punished for succeeding by moving up a tax bracket) and people will intentionally stay just below that bracket. If we were a society that fundamentally put the whole before the part, and believed that “Oh, I don’t actually need ALL this money so I can pay a higher percentage, still have plenty to live off of, and benefit the country more.” But we don’t. We live in a society that likes beach houses and yachts. Fundamental error that’s really only seen by people who are in the mindset that they deserve to keep as much
    that they’ve earned as possible, which is why most upper class citizens are fiscally conservative.

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