Am I crazy, or does wine actually taste better straight out of the bottle? TSM.
Am I crazy, or does wine actually taste better straight out of the bottle? TSM.
“One more shot, then we can go.” TSM.
Floating on a pool doughnut, because you can’t eat real doughnuts. TSM.
The majority of your back-to-school supplies consisting of clothes and makeup. TSM.
Having a pink, glittery bong. TSM.
Sprinkles are the glitter of the baking world. TSM.
“I hate him. I miss him. Let’s get drunk so I can call him.” TSM.
May your memories always be positive and your pregnancy tests always be negative. TSM.
Giving a guy your number but never actually texting him back. TSTC.
Long T-shirts, short dresses. TSM.