Frat Bull (Big)

Member Since 12/20/2013

From Anonymous

  • Frat Bull 9 years ago on Men In Masks Are Terrorizing The U. Kansas Campus, Telling Students To Drop Greek Life Or They Will Be "Dealt With Accordingly"

    Believe me I understand the system is not perfect. But it is better than a system that punishes people based on an accusation without any sort of fact seeking. I am not in no way blaming the victims, it’s not logical to think a victim of something like that wanted that to happen. What I ment by “hysteria” is this 1in 5 stat that’s not statistically relevant and the “it’s on us” that makes it seem as though all men are the problem and guilty in some way or another (when its really small group of men and women) which is making people overreact to any accusation and start assuming guilt without facts first.
    As I said before my issue is with the people who are overreacting to something that was handled appropriately, since the rapists were arrested, and the university is impartially investigating what happened at the fraternity, except for the university making the fraternity accusation public. So it seems the real issue is that the university didn’t make public a private matter. I don’t see how if the university makes rapes that occur on campus public would help the victims of an actual rape be more comfortable. One would think having their case circulated on a university list serv and/or the news would remind them of what happened, I don’t want to potentially violate someone’s private matter, “it happened on public property” that doesn’t seem right. Victims have a right to privacy. While I agree that if victims think that if nobody takes them seriously they will come forward and that needs to change all accusations need to be heard in a professional way that’s a key part of due process, but maybe another the reason is because they do not want it published for everyone to know the details, even if names are omitted the victim would know since it happened to them, and them have to listen to people talk about it. And there have been cases of people having their lives ruined due to the system that judges based solely on accusations, Brian banks and the Duke lacrosse team.

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  • Frat Bull 9 years ago on Men In Masks Are Terrorizing The U. Kansas Campus, Telling Students To Drop Greek Life Or They Will Be "Dealt With Accordingly"

    How am I being ignorant? Because I’d like to see a society that gathers facts before reaching a conclusion and has due process? I think you are the one that is ignorant because you fail to see that the University did act appropriately and that it is wrong to overreact to that degree to an accusation and want to to punish someone based on an accusation. You completely missed the point. I’m not saying blame the victim or that sexual assault is ok, what I am saying is that before we decide to punish someone that we make sure they are guilty, really how many times must I say that already for you people to get that? Innocent people have been punished/convicted of sex crimes they did not commit based solely on an accusation. Hopefully some of that “shit” you must do is reading comprehension because in the article it reveals to us the suspect rapists are arrested. That seems like an appropriate response, and it’s safe to assume the University helped since it occurred on campus, so why would there need to be any reason to make it public and spread it around a university wide list serv. You ever think that maybe it might be cruel to the victim(s) because they might not want to receive university-wide emails that remind them about what happened and hear people talk about it around campus? Imagine if it makes the news and victim(s) have to hear about it more and potentially see their rapists face on the news and news papers. Oh wait a lot of that already happened. But people just had to overreact and not be civil since there was no “appropriate response”, right? I’m such an ignoramus!

    Also blue lights on campus are not because “on campuses you have a higher chance of being raped” but because it decreases response time and/or finding out where a student needs help. I can’t even fathom how you came up with that. You should learn to think before you type.

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  • Frat Bull 9 years ago on Men In Masks Are Terrorizing The U. Kansas Campus, Telling Students To Drop Greek Life Or They Will Be "Dealt With Accordingly"

    Ironically, I got that nickname because I’d give any disrespectful creeper at parties the “horns” so to speak, and I needed a username, so there’s that. You are projecting so much that it must hurt, you seem to be such an insufferable person that walks around with such a pretentious/social champion attitude that I am very glad ( and hope forever) we are separated by the Internet; and your automatic character assassination shows me how sophomoric you are. You must be a beauty. I do not know what planet/reality you are on/in but I’m sure that our society does not trample on anyone’s gender everyday. Where do you think we are, Sudan, Nepal, Iraq? Those society’s actually do sickeningly trample on women’s rights.
    Having and/or wanting a due process for an accused person, instead of a biased kangaroo court that decides guilt based on the accusation, is not trampling on women’s gender. It’s the 21st century, it is the judicial norm today, or at least I hope it is still.
    I call things as I see them as you’d have to be whipped or so desperate for female attention to agree with some of the stuff feminists think are true or do what these “tough guys” did. I never said your boyfriend was whipped but, I can already tell how much you would blow up if he said anything that you didn’t want to hear or not agreeing that “s0citez trampl3s w0menz!” because you just assumed a bunch of things about me that are not true (I’m a dick who wasn’t raised right) because I said some things you did not like all while circumventing that fact that the accused do seem to be innocent, due to due process (they cross examined the accuser). It seems to me that you were hoping they were guilty to justify the individuals who think it’s ok to behave like the people in the Salem witch trials. That is reaching a verdict based on an accusation without any real process, in case ya missed that point too. Have a good day 🙂

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  • Frat Bull 9 years ago on Men In Masks Are Terrorizing The U. Kansas Campus, Telling Students To Drop Greek Life Or They Will Be "Dealt With Accordingly"

    First off, thank you for being civil, (honestly no sarcasm at all thank you!) it’s very refreshing to know one can discuss some dissenting opinions with civility. I agree with feminists views, in a nutshell, that women are equal to men/have every opportunity we do and honestly who doesn’t because that is just a universal truth. I agree that sexual assault is a horrific crime, that if I could snap my fingers and have it never happen again ever I would…and so would everyone else reading this. My issue is that certain groups of people do not wait until they have all the facts before coming to a decision. Instead they just assume because someone is accused they are guilty. While that can be true (and it’s perfectly normal to have a hunch about something being true, as I have myself) sometimes it is not. Sometimes things are not always as they seem and all of the variables need to be looked at before deciding on something. That’s why we have due process, to make sure that no one innocent is punish and those that are guilty are. In this case they were innocent. Imagine if there was no process, and the people leading this charge (disillusioned feminists and their whippies) there would be innocent people being punished. I’m not ok with that happening to any gender period. Due process is in place to keep people from rushing to judgement, because history has already shown us what can happen in society if there is no real due process. I’d rather not live in a society where a person can have their education, job, and frankly life ruined because of a false accusation, nope no thank you. Thank you for taking the time to read what I wrote. God bless

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  • Frat Bull 9 years ago on Men In Masks Are Terrorizing The U. Kansas Campus, Telling Students To Drop Greek Life Or They Will Be "Dealt With Accordingly"

    While his comment is blunt, it does have a valid point. The school most likely did not report on it because they did not want the overreaction from feminists and their whipped male counterparts that arise during cases like this. Can you blame them? They have a responsibility to keep order on their campus so all students can feel secure and with the sexual assault hysteria going on they knew something like that would happen. Instead of a due process and looking at everything to determine guilt, people like that just assume it because a woman accused a man ( a fraternity man so thats even worse) that he is guilty and needs to have immediate action taken. Turns out though that it was false, through due process, and if these guys had their way innocent people would be out of school for doing nothing wrong, e

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  • Frat Bull 9 years ago on Fraternity Members Create Bone Chilling Anti-Sexual Assault PSA, Show Greek Life Is Not The Problem

    First off, thank you for being civil, and reading what I had to say. I do agree with a lot of your points. I am just calling it like I see it and continue to see it. I “checked out” because of how hypocritical “Modern Feminism” is as well as delusional; I am not saying original feminism is twisted, since I agree with what it stands for. I am also not trying to “be an ass” but simply trying to show how the “It’s On Us” campaign and all it’s logiv hold no water when held to gender equality, real logic and reasoning (things that modern feminism lack and need) with my opinion thrown in. What’s wrong with healthy debate? I’d expect ladies of sororities of all women to be the most open to that as well as children of gender equality, logic, and reason. Perhaps I am wrong. I’ve seen first hand what (modern) feminists do, during my time as an undergrad. I.e., the biggest feminist group on my campus put up flyers everywhere that read in big bold letters “MEN RAPE” then as you got to about six inches away it said between MEN and RAPE “can stop”. Honestly, are those the type of flyers a group of people who are about equality and fairness would be putting up?

    Men are treated the way they are in society not because of a patriarchy, if we had a patriarchy we wouldn’t be having this discussion since nobody would ever be raised to care about the well-being or rights of women, and you would not be able to be in college with the right to choose your major, profession, ect. since the government would take all power to do those things and other things from women. Although I do agree some men wanting to be “manly” (I know what you mean) does have adverse effects on how those men are specifically treated. However the reason all this is happening is because most men are afraid to upset women/get rejected by them if they do not agree with feminism and brown-nose because they are whipped or want to get laid/accepted so badly they will agree with anything said by women whether they agree or not. I happen to think that’s really sad. I know that can sound extreme but think about how many times girls have used sex or rejection to get guys to do something for them or by saying/thinking if you don’t/did do x, y, and z you aren’t getting any or heck just bitch and bitch and bitch until he caves to agree with everything she says and does so he does not have to hear about it. With those revelations, see how a man could agree to say, “Yep it’s on us guys it’s the fault of all men” so that he doesn’t have to potentially go through all that if he refuses to agree with or if he’s a legislator to pass discriminating modern feminist legislation/policies/views; because it seems that disagreeing with the discriminatory legislation/policies of modern feminism somehow offends women, evident by the down votes. If you still don’t believe me you proved my point by saying ” arguing against feminism just makes you look like an ass here”, where you show that you think that anybody who does not agree with feminism here is an ass. I disagree with discrimination. Isn’t that why feminism was founded?

    I do treat people with respect and I agree it’s a problem but how is saying it’s on all men going to help, when not all men are the problem? If the endgame is to get people to be more vigilant and stop any form of assault, it’s not a male or female problem, but whether or not you are afraid to get involved, see diffusion of responsibly. I mean if the message is about preventing sexual assault why can’t the PSA be: “if you see an assault stop it if you feel safe or call for help don’t be afraid to get involved”, instead of, “it’s on us (the men) to stop it”? Isn’t that the endgame making people vigilant to that type of thing rather than discriminatory? Which PSA honestly sounds better? I mean what is the end game here? Women in America can vote, hold any job they want, major in anything they want, wear what they want, do/go where they want, join the military, and marry who they want, to name but a few rights. There are many more rights all which women all deserve and I am not the only person to think so, most people in this century do. It just seems to me that modern feminism is really just about blaming all men for everything and wanting special institutionalized perks. Thank you for reading what I had to say, God bless.

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  • Frat Bull 9 years ago on Fraternity Members Create Bone Chilling Anti-Sexual Assault PSA, Show Greek Life Is Not The Problem

    I think every normal sane person agrees that ANY form of sexual violence is horrific, but this whole “It’s On Us” campaign is utter non-sense. Of course people should stop sexual violence, again it’s sheer common sense and I would be the first person to take action if I saw something like that happening. I am also a gentlemen (like think 1940s gentlemen) with any lady I interact with because that’s how the men in my family have been raised. Honestly now, how many people if you asked them would say they would let any form of sexual assault continue, my guess is a very low number with really good odds of it being zero. However, what this campaign seems to be about is presenting men in a guilty light; saying, “it’s on us”, implies that all men are guilty somehow and that we all need to change so it’s safer for women because all men are all responsible. It’s actually the contrary, a minority of men, who are sick and evil. Just like how all the bad things that we see women do, are done by a minority of sick and evil women, and not all women. All this is shaping up to be is more hate and fear propaganda “Modern Feminism” is spreading. The men that support this are either, clueless, someone who does not research before supporting a cause, or they are so whipped/desperate for sex that they will agree with anything women say for the hope she will sleep with him. That’s why you see the same men doing it over and over. It’s a shame because feminism was once respectable, as who does not agree that women should have the same equal opportunities that men have, after all we live in a free country. But now it’s a shadow of its former self because it’s utterly hypocritical and promotes hate, fear, and gender biased legislation/campaigns towards men. An example is when modern feminists would tell legislators to “stay out of the bedroom” and “what I do is my business” but then want them to pass legislation that dictates what must go on in a bedroom and that singles out the male. I apologize for the inconvenient truth and free to go ahead and “bless my heart” and keep burying your head in the sand. Or go do some research and see how twisted modern feminism is. Just my two cents, have a great day and week y’all!

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