Having an entire section of your closet of clothes you’ve stolen from boys. TSM.
Having an entire section of your closet of clothes you’ve stolen from boys. TSM.
Waking up to at 8am to take shots at a tailgate, but refusing to set your alarm for an 8am lecture. TSM.
“He’s cute, but I think I slept with his big.” TSM.
Sharing your location with your big so she can find you when you’re blackout. TSM.
Rolling into standards meetings squad deep. TSM.
Refusing to view his story until he views yours. TSM.
Using a fraternity’s pledges more often than they do. TSM.
True or false: I pregamed the library. TSTC.
Casually threatening your guy friends not to corrupt your little. That’s what she has you for. TSM.
Exec telling you you’re not allowed near the babies, because you’re a bad influence. TSTC.