myohmysheisAOII (G-Big)

Member Since 12/28/2011

From Anonymous

  • myohmysheisAOII 10 years ago on Meet The New Face Of Feminism: The Modern Republican Woman

    SINCE WHEN WAS FEMINISM A DEMOCRATIC IDEAL??? Feminism by definition is “the advocacy of women’s rights on the grounds of political, social, and economic equality to men.” Equal rights of the sexes is now a political platform? Not a basic worldwide issue? Feminism should not be limited to one political party, nor should it be considered a political stance. The basic right to be considered equal to any other human, man or woman, and be TREATED as equal should cross party lines and not be considered “radical” or “liberal”. That is what astounds me. I would like to assume, or I would at least hope, that a woman (especially an educated one) would consider her sex’s equality and respect to be something that everyone should believe in and fight for, especially those that she has voted in to office to represent her beliefs. If you don’t personally believe you are equal to man, or deserve to be? That is a larger issue. But everybody with a vagina should be a feminist. Period. (Pun intended) And that doesn’t mean you have to be a bra burning radical, who doesn’t shave, or you have to post articles to your Facebook about how “this song” or “that show” is misogynistic and offensive. But it does mean that women, including you, need to recognize that feminism is no longer a political agenda to argue about but a right. We have earned our suffrage. Now it is just time to use it wisely.

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  • myohmysheisAOII 10 years ago on Meet The New Face Of Feminism: The Modern Republican Woman

    SINCE WHEN WAS FEMINISM A DEMOCRATIC IDEAL??? Feminism by definition is “the advocacy of women’s rights on the grounds of political, social, and economic equality to men.” Equal rights of the sexes is now a political platform? Not a basic worldwide issue? Feminism should not be limited to one political party, nor should it be considered a political stance. The basic right to be considered equal to any other human, man or woman, and be TREATED as equal should cross party lines and not be considered “radical” or “liberal”. That is what astounds me. I would like to assume, or I would at least hope, that a woman (especially an educated one) would consider her sex’s equality and respect to be something that everyone should believe in and fight for, especially those that she has voted in to office to represent her beliefs. If you don’t personally believe you are equal to man, or deserve to be? That is a larger issue. But everybody with a vagina should be a feminist. Period. (Pun intended) And that doesn’t mean you have to be a bra burning radical, who doesn’t shave, or you have to post articles to your Facebook about how “this song” or “that show” is misogynistic and offensive. But it does mean that women, including you, need to recognize that feminism is no longer a political agenda to argue about but a right. We have earned our suffrage. Now it is just time to use it wisely.

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  • myohmysheisAOII 11 years ago on The Importance of Picking The Perfect Perfume

    LOVE! I own every one of these except for Juicy, and I consider myself a perfume snob. I also agree that Gucci Flora is incredible and should be on the list. Should have gone to 10. My other favorite is Marc Jacobs Lola, but definitely not for the timid. Great job Waldorf!

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  • myohmysheisAOII 11 years ago on University of Oklahoma

    this is true. TSM altered it. The original post was…
    “He asked me what my middle name was, so I’m obviously getting something monogrammed for Christmas.” TSM.

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  • myohmysheisAOII 12 years ago on Fail Friday: TOGA

    “I don’t always wear togas…” Ya. Maybe sometimes you dress like a sexy cop too, or maybe you’re in a straight jacket…but that’s not for me to judge.

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  • myohmysheisAOII 12 years ago on University of Kentucky

    honey, being the other woman. NS. Having enough self-respect to know your better than being his #2. TSM. ….and if youre gonna post things like this i suggest changing your username. because i don’t want to be affiliated with that kind of behavior.

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