PurpleSails (Matriarch)

Sigma Sigma Sigma Beta Beta chapter, 2014 fall pledge class.

Member Since 10/20/2014

From Missouri

  • PurpleSails 9 years ago on Apparently Men Are Done With Curvy Girls And Like Skinny Bitches Again Because Life Isn't Fair

    Articles like this with the author defending “oh! But it’s satire!” make me wonder if you honestly understand what satire is.

    Check the Onion. Compare. See the difference?

    Calling this satire is a weak defense because you have no better. You know it’s wrong to call ANY woman a bitch, and claiming you only did so because of a stupid song that pretends to promote body positivity but actually just bashes on those of us with smaller builds just shows how little of care and thought you have for anyone else’s feelings.

    Nobody likes to be called a bitch in mean spirit. And that’s what you have done with this article.

    Repeating a point I already made in another article, we shouldn’t even care what “men” think. Generalizations are damaging and normally false. You’re making women in general feel less valuable by calling skinny women bitches and telling everyone else that men are “done” with them.

    This is not satire. You are not mocking the fact that men are “done” with a certain body type, you’re mocking the body types themselves. Openly. You do not call for any sort of action, and you do not make the other side of the argument feel stupid. Satire is an argument. I see no argument being made here, just someone upset because she overheard that not every male prefers women with bigger butts and boobs.

    Some men like petite women. Some like women who have curves they can run their hands over. Some men like their women athletic, and others don’t mind if she’s just as much of a couch potato as they are.

    This article could have been so much better written, and done so in a way that built up everyone while putting the shame upon those who say one body type is better than the other. I’m really disappointed. Sometimes your writings are phenomenal. Other times, I wonder if you were even considering others’ thoughts and feelings while you were writing this.

    If you were really going for satire, you failed miserably. If you honestly and truly meant this as satire, I suggest taking into account the feedback you receive, maybe talk to some other professionals who are considered fantastic satirical writers, and hopefully you will learn from this.

    A few weeks ago, this site was flooded with beautiful, heartwarming, and comforting stories about the gruesome battles many have had with Eating Disorders. Binge eating is one of those eating disorders. Do you honestly think this sent off a good message to those who came to your site because of the support sent out in those articles? To call them “skinny bitches” might further validate their internal reasoning for binge eating.

    Anorexic and bulimics might also be harmed by your article. You’re telling them that basically every man they meet will never glance their way because they were granted with the wonderful genes that give them a bigger build.

    I’m sorry this comment is so long. I just have a lot to say and I’m in awe that this even made it to the site. I really thought you all were above things like this. We are all sorority women. We need to build each other up, not look each other in the eye and say “you’re a bitch because of your body size” or “no guy is going to look at you twice because you have too much curve to your body.”

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  • PurpleSails 9 years ago on The World Basically Just Ended Because Zayn Malik Is Leaving "One Direction"

    I’m glad he’s come to a decision that will ultimately make him happy. He’s been under a lot of pressure and it seems he’s decided that life in the spotlight just isn’t for him. I’m sure the band will still go on to be successful, and who knows? Maybe in a few years, he’ll rejoin them. But right now, all that matters is that he remembers that he has value as an individual person, and if he needs to quit the band just to feel happy again, then I 100% support him.

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  • PurpleSails 9 years ago on Apparently Men Are Done With Curvy Girls And Like Skinny Bitches Again Because Life Isn't Fair

    But like who honestly cares what the majority of men think? The man who’s right for you, the one who will love you and bring you happiness for the rest of your life, will love you FOR you. Curvy, skinny, bitchy, sweet, shy, outgoing, dark, light, short, tall, etc. The one man who really matters will love you for who you are, no side notes or fine print involved.

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  • PurpleSails 9 years ago on Giuliana Rancic Taught Everyone A Lesson About Grace When Faced With The Biggest Mistake Of Her Career

    Allow me to enlighten you, as it is obvious you don’t mean any harm but what you’re saying is very rude and I’m sure is rather hurtful for those who deal with this.

    I’ll try to keep this short though, because let’s be honest, nobody likes to read comments that become novels of their own. If you want to know more than I say here, it won’t take much to Google it.

    Dreadlocks are a hairstyle that originated in North Africa. You can find evidence of this in Egyptian mummies, who are found with remnants of their dreads.

    Men of the Massai tribe (also in Africa) wore their hair like this as well. Even today this tribe does this, with a bit of tint from the soil on which they live. This is a cultural thing.

    In Hinduism, locs are seen as something sacred. This is a religious practice and an expression for their disregard to vanity. They call this jata, and often depict their gods with this hairstyle Buddhism also used to do this practice, though now they go with the slightly more recognized shaved heads.

    Now, in our culture, there’s several different reasons why someone might wear their hair in dreads that are NOT related to this stereotype you’re talking about. For one, African people might just be honoring a tradition that has been with them since Ancient Egypt. It’s their culture.
    Dreads are not just for people who deal with weed, as one might assume based on the “stereotype.” Athletes, artists, authors, actors, you name it – it’s a popular style. In my opinion, it is one that other cultures shouldn’t try to emulate. Black hair is amazing. It’s got a wildly different texture from ours, and from what I understand, it’s hard to manage. Dreads make this easier. It keeps hair tame and, let’s be honest, it looks amazing.
    But that is another argument that someone who is actually a member of the culture could make better than I could.

    The worst thing we’ve done to this hairstyle is add the stereotype that dreadlocks were “invented” or are “owned” by those who do illegal recreational drugs and do not wash their hair. Proper dreadlocks require a fierce beauty regimen in order to be maintained. And just because we wear our hair a certain way doesn’t mean that we do or don’t do something. I wear my hair up in a pony tail sometimes, do you think that means I work out or play a sport? (Hint: HELL NO.)

    I understand that you might be confused and I hope this comment has helped you to better understand why individuals might insist upon wearing their hair in a certain way. Stereotypes are toxic. I mean, let’s take a look at something that you and I might both better relate to. “Stupid, slutty, air-headed sorority girl” is a stereotype we might all recognize to be popular among many. But does that mean it is true of us? Absolutely not. It doesn’t define me, I doubt it defines you, and if you look at your sisters, I bet the last thing you’d ever classify them as would be that stereotype.
    But yet, we still chose to join a sorority. Because we know the true meaning behind it.

    Don’t let stereotypes continue, of any kind. They are hurtful. They can ruin relationships, friends or otherwise. Trust me – I got dumped because my long-term, GDI boyfriend was afraid I’d “change to be a typical sorority girl.”

    I hope I have helped you understand better!

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