PurpleSails (Matriarch)

Sigma Sigma Sigma Beta Beta chapter, 2014 fall pledge class.

Member Since 10/20/2014

From Missouri

  • PurpleSails 10 years ago on A Message To Men Everywhere: Let Us Pay

    I think I’d have to disagree with this. Nothing wrong with listening to “old” rules. It’s a form of chivalry and manners. Let’s not ruin those anymore than they already have been. Personally I live by more “old-fashioned rules” of dating, and me and my boy have been pretty darn happy so far.

    Yes, it’s really polite for the woman to offer to pay. And if the man takes her up on it, great. If he doesn’t, just leave it alone and accept that he’s trying to do something nice for you. If he doesn’t want you to pay, why argue it? Why is it such a big deal?

    I think it’s really sweet when a guy pays for a woman, whether they’re dating or not. It just shows manners. And if he allows the woman to pay for him, as long as he at least offered, then power to him.

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  • PurpleSails 10 years ago on Why Sorority Recruitment Is Horrible And Needs To Change

    I actually dropped out of formal recruitment because my first-choice and second-choice sororites I clicked so well with (I thought) dropped me. I didn’t really want to go with any other sorority because I didn’t feel like I quite fit and I didn’t want to take the spot of some other girl who might have liked it more than me.

    I did go through informal though, and one of the sororities I had somewhat considered during formal was participating. Despite my less-than-stellar experience during formal, I started attending informal recruitment. And let me tell you, that “meh” sorority quickly became my “WHY DIDN’T I NOTICE HOW GREAT THEY WERE BEFORE?!” choice.

    I’m super happy with them now, much more happier than I thought I would have been during formal recruitment. I had my whole vision of them completely turned around during informal. And had I seen that side of them during formal, I would have ranked them first, no doubt. If that doesn’t tell you that formal needs to have a few adjustments, I don’t know what will.

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  • PurpleSails 10 years ago on Breaking: Snapchat Has Been Hacked, And Your Nudes Are Set To Be Released On October 12th

    It honestly DOES NOT surprise me that someone 4Chan did this. I frequent Tumblr somewhat regularly, and one time they went into the hashtag “SelfieCrossers,” a tag for the fandom of Animal Crossing players who posted pictures of themselves, and would photoshop the faces onto pornographic images.

    Animal Crossing is a game marketed towards a younger audience but is played by many, many people of all ages and genders.

    They’re not above this Snapchat thing either. They’ll do anything because it gets them attention. Which is why most of us call 4Chan the scum of the internet.

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  • PurpleSails 10 years ago on ADPis Allegedly Beat The Ever-Living Shit Out Of Some Girl, Nationals Denies Allegations

    I made an account just to comment on this (though really I needed to make an account anyways.) So I hope you at least would skim this long thing cause this took me way too long to write. (Sorry I just had a lot to say. TLDR at the end.)

    First thing’s first. Yes, it’s FANTASTIC to read about the great things that Sororities do for everyone. The accomplishments they make are truly nothing short of amazing. HOWEVER, if we all reported on only those great things, we would be turning a blind eye to any and all issues there might be with Greek life. That would show a severe bias to ourselves and loses credibility to the things that are covered. (Had newspaper with a teacher who was actually a member of our state’s newspaper staff, she was really adamant about this.) And you know how you fix a problem? You address it. You acknowledge it’s there and you dissect it, and hopefully you learn something from it. So while you may very well enjoy all the great articles on here about a Sorority’s achievements, you can’t just sit around and act like we are all perfect little angels who could do no wrong. Chapters will screw up. Girls will cause big problems. And this is news that is no less worthy of reporting as any other piece of information. We may not like to see the name of another sorority at risk, but that’s why we report news. Hopefully someone’s gonna look at it and go “oh, gosh, I really need to make sure I/my sisters avoid any kind of trouble akin to this!”

    As far as there being “no factual evidence,” I would like to make the argument against that. Fact: This DID happen. Some girl got the ever-living beat out of her and she is blaming the women of this chapter. Obviously she sustained some injuries and there are comments confirming this. While everything you read on the internet should be taken with a grain of salt anyways, we can confirm from those screenshots that this girl sustained some great injuries (though I’m iffy about that “black eye” because she’s covering her eyes in the photo and pressing her hands against them. When I had a black eye, I didn’t even want to wear sunglasses because it hurt with the swelling I had.) It is also easily proven whether or not this twitter account has been deleted with a quick search on Twitter. This is not just a “he said she said.” That would require a direct confirmation from the author saying “The women of ADPi DID or DID NOT do this” and then not having any final official report to back it up. All that this article said was that these are the allegations, this is what one of our sororities is dealing with, and this is how things are going down as of right now.

    “The bias, motive, and sources of the writer are all unknown.”
    The bias and motives of a piece are EASILY dissected from an article by any high schooler who took an advanced course on Language and Comp. News articles almost always have a bias (even though they should strive not to because they’re reporting facts, not influencing the public), and it’s revealed in the way it’s written. Same with motives. And the sources? You’re saying they’re unknown? Looks to me like their sources are: the Facebook post (screenshotted and included in the article), Twitter (see the tweet), and a quote from ADPi international HQ. Those sources could reveal bias and motives. IMO, their bias is that this girl is blaming a sorority that should not be blamed. Ending statement: “They are unsure why she blamed Alpha Delta Pi members for her assault if none were involved.” If their bias was that ADPi was guilty, something along the lines of “The chapter will receive severe discipline if found guilty” would be more appropriate. It’s the little things, but they’re important. Motives usually support the bias. So what I see the motive to be is: incline readers to believe that ADPi was uninvolved and this girl set them up.

    Someone may see the bias and motives a little bit different, and we could argue about that until the cows came home and still never have a truly “right” answer. Just depends on what they use for their evidence to support their claims.

    “As sorority women, we’re supposed to empower each other and to support each other in whatever way possible.” 900% agree with this. Hands down. And a sorority is being accused of something they may or may not have done. “Empowering” is not a word for “ignoring the wrongdoings of someone,” though. Sometimes you need to acknowledge that things are not sunshine and rainbows 100% of the time. Sororities want to make each other the best we can be. And beating the snot out of a girl is not that.

    But we do want to support. Which is why it’s important to know what another sorority is involved in, so we can be well-informed to the best of our abilities, and be able to stand behind and support a sister.

    “Total Sorority Move has always been a favorite of mine, but if it’s succumb to becoming nothing more than a petty high school website where people can freely post whatever gossip they’d like, regardless of the consequences, then it’s no longer worth reading.”
    Again, this isn’t just gossip. This is a very real issue the women of ADPi on this campus are facing. This is important news. This needs to be addressed and acknowledged. It’s more than just gossip.

    TL;DR: It’s not gossip. It’s a very real piece of news evidence and just because it doesn’t state something wonderful a sorority did doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be covered by TSM.

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